
Well Known Member
Looking for advice on wiring. (Our avionics guy likes to avoid crawling under the panel).

We came into a good deal on a Gemini ADI which can show GPS track. It's pretty straightfwd to figure out the pin out of our GNC300 and into the Gemini. Our AP/IA can help me ensure workmanlike connections.

The problem is in our slider canopy RV6A, how the heck you would get up in there to connect to the back of the connector that is part of the slide-in tray? If and once we get that it's not too bad to get to the Gemini...

Any tips, thoughts appreciated. - thanks!
On your head

Grab a towel to rest your head on. Put towel down on copilot floor. Put your self upside down in the seat with legs over the seat back. If you are lucky the tray is like the Garmin 430.. has a couple screws and you can remove the back connector plate from the tray. Just did this... It's not fun.

Oh man. I feel like I spent a week last year in that position working replacing the fuel line penetration thru the firewall due to a small crack. Oh well! There's no easy way out; no shortcut home! Thanks for responding ~
I take both seat backs out, then fill the foot cavity with pillows so my upper body is supported when I'm laying under the panel. Works super well for me.
Thick high density foam

That is what I use. Smooths all the sharp corners. Smaller pieces are great knee pads as well. Larger pieces for the cockpit and softens hangar floors.
What they said and is great to have a second person avail to hand in tools and etc. I never have the correct tool once under there. I actually have a piece of 1/8 plywood with spacers that will fit in the seat area and under the panel with a piece of foam on top. Only dissavantage is that it does take up a bit of the vertical space of which there is isnt much