
Well Known Member
I'm about to start making my wiring harness. How the heck do you get the pins out of Trutrak's autopilot connecters? There's nothing in the manuals, and I tried both d and sub d removal tools. What's the trick??
Thanks in advance :)
The connectors that came with my TruTrak were solder connections. them instead of removing and crimping them. Your mileage may vary, though.

If the harness was made by us (SteinAir), the d-sub connectors are crimp type. First, gain access to the wire side of the connector. Slip the white end of the pin extractor over the wire you want to remove and push it into the hole and over the pin. You should be able to feel it seat. Now pull the wire and extractor out as one. If it is stubborn, pull the extractor out, rotate it 90 degrees and try again.
The connectors that came with my TruTrak were solder connections. them instead of removing and crimping them. Your mileage may vary, though.

LOL, well that would explain why they won't come out :eek:. Would be nice if they mentioned that in the installation instructions for guys like me who are complete novices. Thanks Rob

Rvsxer, I'm building the harness using the connecter TT supplied with the unit. I did get one of your master kits, along with a bunch of other items. Thanks for the good service!! and for chiming in to help save me from myself ;)
It's not a bad idea to replace those solder connectors with pin style. The latter have several advantages; the pin group (sans connector body) will fit through smaller holes and conduit, it is easier to make the pin connections outside the body rather than soldering in close proximity to other connections (especially when in an odd position to reach a connector in an awkward place), and they are generally stronger mechanically - especially if you crimp and solder the pins. That said, I left the connectors that Klaus included on my Lightspeeds because he'd already made up the connections. But if I have one problem with the ignition, that will be the first change I make.