
I'm New Here
Hello all,

I have an RV-6A with a two SkyView Touch screens. My autopilot and trim are both controlled through the integrated SV-AP-PANEL.

Right now, I am getting a AP PANEL OFFLINE warning from the SkyView system and elevator trim appears to be inoperative. The SV-AP-PANEL is connected and no fuses are blown, and it is receiving power (it lights up) so I'm thinking there is likely some sort of wiring issue between the SV-AP-PANEL and the SkyViews themselves.

Does anyone have experience with a reputable avionics shop in SoCal that could help me troubleshoot this? I'm afraid of doing more harm than good if I start messing with the pins on the connectors so thought I would consult a professional.

I'd suggest Chris Randall at Whiteman. He does exclusively experimental work and will come out to you.
PM if you want his contact details.
I second Chris Randell. I've known Chris for many years and he's a good honest guy that knows what he's doing.
Thanks for all the responses! I?ll give Chris a call and see if he can help me out.