steve wyman

Well Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm experiencing some sticker shock, to say the least , on the price of the avionics kit! I had planned on using the Garmin 495, which, at $12,620, is about $2800 more than I expected. I may be naive, but I can't wait to see what the engine kit is going to come to. I'm afraid I may have to do some rethinking on this project! Steve
Ouch, but what's a guy to do? We are locked into LSA I guess. At least it is here!

To be fair before I start I should admit I'm not entirely unbiased here....but, if you take a few moments to do the math you'll find out it's not as bad of a deal as you think. A quick run through the items included will quickly get you to that number and more if purchased separately...not to mention all the shipping charges you'll quickly accrue by shopping a'la carte.

Next, understand that there is a lot more included then what is shown on a simple piece of paper. For example, the EFIS has been pre-programmed and setup for you. Your avionics also have been pre-programmed and setup for you. All the interconnect harnesses are provided, tested and included. You won't have to figure out how to get the GPS to talk to the intercom, or the Transponder to talk to the Dynon, or the Dynon to talk to the GPS, or the GPS to talk to the radio. It's all done, powered up, tested and programmed for you by the suppliers providing the equipment. The harnesses along are worth a LOT of money, which by the way include all the jacks, PTT switches, etc..

Another big consideration there is the main large "interface" system that Van's is providing. This consists of all switches, all fuses (yes...the fuses are included-many of the fuses are the lighted kind that illuminate when they fail), keyswitch, etc.. Installation is pretty easy because you just plug in all of your pre-made harnesses to the system then plug in all the pre-programmed and setup avionics. All switches are pre-installed, all fuse holders are pre-installed. the Keyswitch is installed...and all of the aforementioned items are already properly hooked to each other. Also, don't forget about things like the 406 mhz ELT, which on it's own runs nearly a grand.

Believe me I know that the pricing was not plucked out of the air...there was a LOT of work that went into providing a kit that while on the surface may seem high priced is in fact extremely competitive when the entire package is taken into account. Van's made a conscious decision to provide extra value with the kit when it came to pre-programming all of the avionics as well as the extensive interconnect harnesses.

I hope I don't sound defensive, I was just trying to provide a balanced look at where those numbers came from. There is a LOT to this package that on the surface you might not be aware of and it's in fact a lot more competitive than it appears at first blush. Lastly - believe me; nobody is getting rich off this package!

My biased 2 cents as usual! :)

Sounds like a good deal to me when you add it all up plus all the extras.....Almost plug and play!
Thanks for the heads up........It is now on order, provided my FAX went thru. Went for the DELUXE package.
This package is more "plug and play" than I've ever seen (and remember what we do for a living). You don't even have to hook up any power wires on any of the just plug them in! No wiring of fuse buses, no switch wiring, no RS232 lines to run, no complex audio wiring, etc.. Someone else has already setup your GPS, Transponder, Dynon EFIS, etc.. so everything talks to each other. I thought it was a rather public secret that we were providing stuff for the RV-12, but there are a lot of other great people involved in this project as well.

While some things have been a bit slower than anticipated, it's not for lack of tremendous effort and hard work everybody's part. There has been a LOT of input and careful consideration on the design and makeup of these subkits. It's new territory for everyone, but I think the end result will be successful when you just plug in your avionics package and turn it on!

I think you'll like the engine and avionics packages as they are well thought out and hopefully well put together! With any luck at all there should be good things happening at OSH and I hope to see many of you there. Stop by and pick up your T-shirt (or at least stop by and say hi)!

My order will be placed tomorrow morning. I'd like for Stein to think about talking about a Garmin SN-30 and 696 the next time around. Any word on the Dynon autopilot yet?

Jay Sluiter
s12...Albany, OR
SN-30 & 696

Jay - for my money, you are right on!!! I totally agree with you. I may only build (or assemble as some say) one aircraft kit and I want it to be a great one. You additions would be to me, the frosting on the cake on my traveling machine.:cool::cool::cool:
I don't think anyone will dispute the cost of the kit versus what you get. The hard to swallow portion is the fact that for this sort of plane all that fancy stuff just is not needed. I would love to have it, but money is tight. I am looking at at least five more years until I will be able to finish the airplane. Unless I decide to go EAB or finance. OH well they say "it is what it is".

Anyone need the first two kits?
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Just wondering, since the SL40 already has a built-in 2 place voice activated intercom, why do we need or want the added expense of the Flightcom 403 intercom?

Just wondering, since the SL40 already has a built-in 2 place voice activated intercom, why do we need or want the added expense of the Flightcom 403 intercom?


Well, the fact is that the "intercom" in the SL-40 is really not very good at all (that's putting it nicely). In addition to that, there is other audio inputs to consider, like XM music, external music, Engine monitor warnings, EFIS warnings, etc... all of which you can't do with the SL-40. It's just no a very useable solution.


Naturally we all hoped for an economical avionics kit...I am just awaiting my finish kit so I have a way to go yet, but do not think the price is out of line, I would like it to be free, but its the real world and the price is manageable and I appreciate all the work done to make it a plug and play system.

JohnF 80% done on fuselage kit
Component Prices

I suspect others have done the same but I did a quick add-up of individual OEM component prices (using the Garmin 496). The major components alone add up to $11,500. Of course, this does not include the custom systems interface with the fuse bus, switches, etc. And does not include harnesses, etc. (although many of those were already paid for in the finish kit).

In any event, given the price of the OEM components alone, the pricing seems in line. The ME406 ELT alone is $1895.
Yes, it is a lot of money!

But, look at what you are getting for that cash!

My panel is almost exactly the same as what you will fly behind (check my web site for details).

Back in '06 or '07 when I bought the big parts I had $9839 in the panel, including the 496. BUT, and this is a big BUT (not butt!), that price did not include the wiring, which I did myself and included a Garmin 320A and a discounted, never used Dynon EMS D10.

Knowing all the work I put into my panel; wiring, parts, etc., I think y'all got a great deal!

No need for Stein to apologize.

BTW, every flight I was stunned by the functionality of this "simple" panel. You will be very proud to fly behind this high tech panel!
Hi All - newbie here...

I'm sitting here in the UK with an RV-12 kit on order and due to arrive in the next couple of weeks and too much time to think of what to put in the panel!

Does anyone yet know what the 'dual EFIS' option will consist of?

Will the standard FlightDEK D180 simply have an EFIS-D100 as its companion or will it be an EFIS-D100 paired with an EMS-D120 (which makes financial sense)?
Welcome and answer to your dual EFIS question.

Firstly, welcome to the forum! If you have not already been following along "silently", then you will quickly find out what a great resource this site is for all builders- both new and experienced.

The question you asked was addressed in a thread a couple of months ago. I have copied the link here:

Take a look at the second post by Rudi. He spoke to Vans directly and they indicated it would be a D100 linked to the D180. Presumably, it is being done this way so that builders can add the second EFIS at any time down the road to the exisiting D180.
I received the avionics kit and am busy installing the items. I've come up with a shortage of 8 backshells. Contacted Steinair and they replied that they come from Van's, they (Van's) are looking into it.
Also on page 42-13 step 2 calls for plugging the 1/8 audio plug into the back of the Garmin X96. I have the 296 and there is no hole in the back of the unit to plug it into.
On page 42-14 step 2 states there are 2 green wires coming out of each headset harness. On my harnesses there is a white/green wire and a white/black wire, the white/green is 24 gauge and the white/black is 22 guage. I can just go by the guage of the wires and ignore the colors, but we are supposed to follow the directions.
Waiting on the fuel tank sight window resolution, the replacement magnetometer backshell and the other missing backshells has been a frustrating experience. Hoping to get these items resolved soon and get this airplane to flying status.
Jake DeHaan - RV9A flying and RV12 slowly building.
Firstly, welcome to the forum! If you have not already been following along "silently", then you will quickly find out what a great resource this site is for all builders- both new and experienced.

The question you asked was addressed in a thread a couple of months ago. I have copied the link here:

Take a look at the second post by Rudi. He spoke to Vans directly and they indicated it would be a D100 linked to the D180. Presumably, it is being done this way so that builders can add the second EFIS at any time down the road to the exisiting D180.

I've been lurking for a while so have picked up some good info - missed that thread though!

Logical if slightly more expensive way of doing it. Just a bit more saving required then...
On page 42-14 step 2 states there are 2 green wires coming out of each headset harness. On my harnesses there is a white/green wire and a white/black wire, the white/green is 24 gauge and the white/black is 22 guage. I can just go by the guage of the wires and ignore the colors, but we are supposed to follow the directions.

I caught this and reported it to Vans & Stein. Use the length of the wires to identify them. The 3" wire is white & black (should be white & green) is the ground for the sheilding on the wire bundle. Both of them are 22 gage (I think)

Did you catch page 03? There are two step #5 & 6. You have to do them in order! :p ;) (kidding)
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Also found that on page 42-14 figure 1 The drawing has the pin numbers backwards. Anybody else see that ?? the are numbers on the drawing are oppisite what the numbers are on the 25 pin connector. If you go buy the drawing you are ok .but they numbered the pins backwards. I called Vans and gave them a heads up.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
No, Brad is right. The connector in fig 1 is called a female connector and is actually a male connector. The numbering is for a female connector.

No, Brad is right. The connector in fig 1 is called a female connector and is actually a male connector. The numbering is for a female connector.


Brad & Jake, I stand corrected, the drawing is wrong.
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I am still holding off on connecting the wires from the pilot and copilot harnesses. I am still not sure whether the white and black wires (shield wires) go to pin 1 or 13. I'm still not sure if the drawing of pin number location is wrong or the pin numbers.

Hi Guys,

The pin numbers are correct, it's the picture of the connector on 42-14 of the manual that is wrong. Indeed it shows a DB-25 Female and the connector is actually a DB-25 Male. Follow the instructions with the pin numbers and look at the connector carefully, then you should be ok.


I thought my being behind some others with this kit was going to be an advantage for once. NOT ! Hope I can keep all the notes straight !

John Bender
When I called Vans they told me to go by the picture of the connector and not the numbers,but the guy I talked to didnt sound to sure and told me he would research it and get back to me. They never did call back. I told them they might want to do a revison on this as it would cause problems.

Thanks Stein for clearing this up.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD