
Well Known Member
Wanted to get the word out on an upcoming avionics installation class which is a fantastic hands on three day course that covers everything from basic wiring techniques, to system architecture and software configuration.

You can find more details and register for the class here: http://www.aea.net/Training/courses/exp/


Has anyone taken this course? Would you recommend it? PM me if you prefer not to publicly share your opinion.
I did the course in June ..... It was money well spent. I also completed their Basic Wiring & Avionics Installation class earlier in the year. Both Instructors, course materials and facilities were excellent. Just the right balance of theory & practical hands on. There was some overlap between the two classes but for me it was great reinforcement of the basics. I feel very comfortable to start my avionics harness this fall.

This was what my partner and I built from scratch on the first course. Best part was it didn't smoke when we did the final test!!

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Garmin G3X Class

I also took the class in Jun. It was excellent! Great hands on learning with expert instructors! I highly recommend you read the G3X installation manual before attending. This will allow you to get familiar with the G3X system. The manual is filled with answers to most of your questions. The class gets you the hands on experience and allows for much more in depth questions to be answered. I am just finishing up my wiring harness and will begin the retrofit into my RV-7A in Sep. This class boosted my skills and confidence in building a high quality integrated system. Hopefully this will lead to very minimal troubleshooting to get it installed. Again I highly recommend the class!
Kent's comments are very valid. The 3 days are action packed! You will get far more from the courses if you pre-study the course material and have a basic understanding of electrics. A great side benefit was I got to meet several builders and discuss our projects!

I also took the class in June and it is money very well spent. I am mechanically/electrically inclined and had already done some of the wiring, but access to Pahan and Brian in a training setting was priceless. Their discussion lead to great questions that I hadn't considered before and has saved me significant time as I continue my avionics.

Also, it's great to see someone do the wiring skills in-person to pick up on little tips here and there. My wire lacing is significantly improved just from watching Pahan do it.
I completed the class yesterday. Great presentation and learning experience. My fellow classmates were top notch heads up types and Pahan was an amazing resource and great teacher. No confusion left in anybody's mind about CANBUS nodes or system architecture. It was a fun, smooth, confidence-building experience at the AEA's top notch shop/classroom setting. From zero to sixty in 3 days. Pahan, the Garmin guy (Brian😊) and the AEA were super nice and totally the type of airplane types I like to hang out with. I am ready to install. Highly recommended.

I concur with jlitd. Everything he said was spot on. I think there were about 12 of us there.

Pahan brought a wealth of his experience and things he's seen over time. Something you can't get by just reading the manual

The last day was especially good. Covered the things and "gotcha's" on setting up the system, troubleshooting issues and how to properly begin the flight test portion of the installation.

I would like the last day offered as a one or maybe a two day course.

I want to attend

Wanted to get the word out on an upcoming avionics installation class which is a fantastic hands on three day course that covers everything from basic wiring techniques, to system architecture and software configuration.

You can find more details and register for the class here: http://www.aea.net/Training/courses/exp/



Anybody from Garmin or AEA know when this will be offered again in 2018. I checked their website, but indicated TBA. I have a an email in to find out. If I hear anything I will post update.