
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

Do you guys know where I could buy a set of DSUB Pins Removal/Insertion tools like the ones guys in Avionics shops used??

I'm not talking about the little plastic/Metals (Red & White )ones ...more like the one that look like little screwdriver..

I looked on Amazon, Stein etc..and all I could find were the plastic ones..

Thank you for your imputs

[email protected]
Buy what you want, but the ones above are way overkill unless youre in the business of doing this kind of wiring. I got my metal ones from Stein. You can prob buy 5 for the price of the handled one, but whatever floats your boat. I bought three and now that I'm done with wiring, my first one is showing its wear. The other two have yet to be used.......
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The best price I found on the DMC tools was on the DMC website. The down-side is that it takes weeks to get your order fulfilled. If you do a lot of de-pinning, these are well worth the price and you can likely sell them later for more than the DMC price.

The ones you will need for removal are:
Standard DSUB pins (orange, blue, gray): DRK145
High Density pins (orange, blue, black): DRK95
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Thank you guys for your imputs, really appreciated

Fasglas (Randy ) Those are the ones I was looking for, a little pricy but I'll see if I can find some on *Bay at a more affordable price.

A friend is going to send me a more sturdier version of the Red/White ones that we commonly see, it might be good enough.

Thanks again everyone

You don't need an insertion tool, and you won't need a removal tool very often assuming you don't screw up and mis-pin a bunch of stuff.
So realisticly you likely won't need to use one but maybe a few times?
The inexpensive metal ones work fine for me when I need it.
I agree with Walt; however, the one time you might wear one out would be in the case where you have to remove a bunch of pins from a D-sub or CPC connector to be able to run the harness into the back of the airplane or wings through grommets, like when you install a panel made by somebody else.
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Hi Pat

''the one time you might wear one out would be in the case where you have to remove a bunch of pins from a D-sub or CPC connector to be able to run the harness into the back of the airplane''
That is what we had to do and the little Red/White ones had a hard time coping with the job.
That's why I was looking at the more ''professionnal'' type.I must say the price surprised me a little..

I'll wait and see what the ones I'm getting from a friend looks like and take it from there..

