
Hey All,

Thinking about purchasing an older RV4 and doing a complete avionics upgrade and have decided to go with Garmin. I know that the dual 7" G3X system will fit, but what about a Dual G3X Touchscreen 10" and 7"? All said and done, it will only cost about 2K more but seems to be worth the money to me. Also, is Sarasota Avionics a good place to purchase this equipment?


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Welcome to VAF!

John, welcome to VAF.

No idea one way or the other about Sarasota Avionics------never dealt with them.

But, I would strongly recommend that you check with Steinair before making any decisions. They do a LOT of RV panels, and they cater to homebuilders. Also, Stein (the owner) and a few of his employees are RV guys, and members here at VAF.

My $0.02;):D
One EFIS enough?

It obviously depends greatly on your mission but I can't imagine needing two EFIS displays in my RV-4. The single 10" Dynon Skyview, combined with a D2 pocket panel does everything I need and way more!

Don't forget to leave plenty of real estate for other stuff. I especially like the dedicated controls the Skyview system offers. I have the Knob Panel installed and, if I were doing a lot of IFR, would put in the Autopilot panel too.

One think I will still install is a separate master warning light. The flashing message annunciation on the EFIS is good but, if I miss the audio prompt, it's easily forgotten.


Looks nice! Based on those pics it seems that a 10 and 7 side by side should fit without an issue. I wanted 2 screens (and AHRS) so I could fly Hard IFR and be fine if one fails. Also, like you mentioned, the garmin touch has a built in autopilot control so I would not need to install a separate panel and could use the second screen to display map/engine info while the the autopilot controls are on the right half of the 10" display.

Dynon makes some great products but I'm a Garmin guy.
I really do like the G3X touch, but my comparison is to steam gauges and Loran, so not necessarily the best resource. I do find the Garmin menus and displays to be very intuitive, and I have found their support to be outstanding (nothing has broken - I've just had a lot of questions).

I find the dual screens helpful - I split both screens and have basic gauges, Garmin-style map with flight plan in front of me. The other screen is traffic, sectional. Easy to touch either screen to bring up weather at another location, frequencies, detailed engine information, or fuel calculations....

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I have a 3 screen G3X in my RV-7A plus a GTN650 which is of course a touch screen. I like not having a touch screen G3X because I notice that when I'm doing my IFR training, a few bumps make it difficult to hit the buttons. I tend to use whatever knobs, hard keys or softkeys I can. I love my GTN650 but sometimes a non-touchscreen WAAS GPS would be a little easier.

SteinAir did my panel and I can't recommend them highly enough. Their work is outstanding and I like dealing with someone who understands homebuilders and their needs
I looked at putting the 10" and 7" Garmins in my panel but could not do it and keep the 10" centered (F1 Rocket, not RV-4). Am going with a GRT Mini X as the backup EFIS. Same as you, I want this IFR capable with redundancies.

Oh, and along with nearly everyone else on this forum I highly recommend Stein as well.
Welcome John,
I also am a Garmin guy. Two legacy G3X screens along with a GTN650. I fly alot of IFR. I like my two portrait screens better than the single touch. However there is a draw-back. The Touch has a much faster processor and bluetooth.
I would like a faster processor in my setup but I put up with it. The only time you notice is panning the map or loading an approach chart/airport diagram. It takes a few seconds (3-6) to load.
If you went with the Touch I cannot imagine wanting or needing a second screen other that redundancy.
Additionally, the screens drive the AP but having a GMC305 as a separate AP control panel is a dream. Much easier than using the PFD.
Good luck
This is somewhere enroute from East TN to Osh. The functionality built into these panels these days is simply amazing.

I took a pic because I was feeling guilty since all I did was take off and then sat back and enjoyed the view.


If I could only fit one large screen, it would be the large G3X Touch along with the new GMC 307 and some sort of independent EFIS backup. You can have up to three AHRS's connected to the system for AHRS redundancy even with only one screen. The AP can operate in basic modes without a screen as long as you have a GMC 305/307 in the system. I recommend an independent backup EFIS regardless of configuration.

The extra screen space afforded by a second screen is handy. I keep my co-pilot screen on the full page traffic most days but it has the option of being configured in multiple different manners. It can be switched from a PFD to MFD and back with one press of a button if you want to switch it. You can also force it into reversionary mode where it becomes basically like having two single screen setups.
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Dual G3X

I'm currently installing(actually Walt is with components and harnesses from Stein) a 2 screen G3X system in my RV-4. I was originally only going to go with one screen but somehow I let Walt talk me into a second screen, which I'm glad he did. One screen would be good but I found a second screen(and the first) for sale on the VAF Classifieds at a reasonable cost so couldn't pass it up. I'm sure I'll be glad to have that extra screen for Engine data, moving map, etc. To the left of the screens I will have a GTR-200 and GMC305 with a GTX 23 remotely mounted.

From my understanding you can control the autopilot with non-touch G3X screens but it requires several more button pushes. If you look over the forums you see that most everyone says the GMC305(and 307 now I guess) is well worth having, I hope so!

If I would have not found two used displays I would have opted for the single large touch screen. Stein and Walt are very knowledgeable and willing to help you about the subject and know what will fit where and how.

So much for buying an RV-4 and keeping it simple.
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Really cool panel.

Makes my old steam gauges + ipad seem archaic.

What's with the old cooler red knob in the lower center panel?

Really cool panel.

Makes my old steam gauges + ipad seem archaic.

What's with the old cooler red knob in the lower center panel?


Who, me? :)

The Oil Cooler knob closes a shutter on the Oil Cooler to reduced the airflow through the cooler and increase the oil temperature. It should be labeled Oil HEATER. I guess RV-4s have a history of too much oil cooling in some climates so this is how we keep the temp up high enough to burn off all the contaminates.
Wouldn't off-centered be best, that way it keeps the AI in the center of your vision?

Symmetry is a personal thing, for me it is important - for some others not so much. An off center EFIS on a center line airplane would somehow look unbalanced to me but you need to build the airplane YOU want.
Wouldn't off-centered be best, that way it keeps the AI in the center of your vision?

This is an interesting point. When I was shopping for my airplane I was initially put off by the fact that the EFIS wasn't centered on the panel. Then, the owner / builder pointed out that, normally, he splits the screen with the Primary Flight Display screen (Attitude Indicator) on the right and either the map or engine instruments (or both) to the left. That perfectly centers the PFD. It also leaves a bunch of real estate to the right of the screen to use for whatever. It works well for me but, even if the attitude information were offset, I don't think it would be a big deal. Come to think of it, that's exactly the way it is in "my other airplane", the A320. The PFD and ND (Navigation Display) are on left and right of center for both the Captain and First Officer. I'd be perfectly happy with a two screen display left and right of center in an RV too.

Having said all that, centering a single display does make the panel look more symmetrical.