
I'm sure this info is somewhere in here, but I've spent 30 minutes and can not find the answer. What was the cost of the avionics package before they stopped letting you order them, and, what is the new cost of the avionics package... or do we know?
I'm sure this info is somewhere in here, but I've spent 30 minutes and can not find the answer. What was the cost of the avionics package before they stopped letting you order them, and, what is the new cost of the avionics package... or do we know?

The original avionics with the 496 was about $ 13,500 and no we do not know when, if, or how much on a new avionics kit. It has been promoted for about 18 months by Van's but they do not yet seem to have their issues solved and as far as we know they have not sent the sample or test kit to the Eastern Representative for him to install and give them feedback on how it went, so I would guess that it will be Sun-N-Fun next year if we are lucky.

Best regards,
I talked to Van's the other day about purchasing the last set of the old avionics kit and they told me that the price for the new kit would be out, "... by the end of the year."
Surely you misunderstood! They promised the complete kit would be available by "early fall". Now that I think about that statement, I recall no mention of WHICH fall they were talking about.:mad:

I talked to Van's the other day about purchasing the last set of the old avionics kit and they told me that the price for the new kit would be out, "... by the end of the year."
Remember Hofstadter's law

Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

? Douglas Hofstadter, G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid[1]

Now I'm glad I broke down and ordered the engine kit first...
Surely you misunderstood! They promised the complete kit would be available by "early fall". Now that I think about that statement, I recall no mention of WHICH fall they were talking about

Don, better take that ErCoupe off the market. You may be wingless for some time.

I asked how much more at osh kosh this past summer and was told it would not be a budget buster $800-$1500 more was there best guess.