
Well Known Member
After removing the avionics bay cover (I can get mine off by removing most screws with the canopy up and the rest with it fully closed) I cleaned both surfaces thoroughly and then put a HEAVY coat of Epoxical urethane mold release agent (a wax-based release agent available at most casting or casting supply shops) and applied the adhesive as shown. After setting for three days I filed a chisel point on a piece of K+S .032X3/4 brass strip (local hobby shop) and used that to release the cover from the former. Bay cover came off easily, no loss of paint, no fuss-- other than cleaning off the excess dried Epoxical.

Van's weatherstripping kit is taking a LOT more time to install.

Wayne 120241/143 WM (231 hours)
That's encouraging, but I have to say my experience is different.

I'm flying a SLSA that came with the bay sealed at the factory and I don't think that top skin is coming off without a great deal of work and potential damage to the skin.

Its only two months old but I was unable to separate the skin when needing to getting into the bay for troubleshooting an electrical problem.
I solved the problem differently. I had some door seal molding left over from my Cobra build. I bought a big roll of it from Digikey. I applied it to the inside of the boot cowl skin and positioned it so it presses up against the firewall. If it doesn't completely stop water intrusion, it will at least limit it to dribbling down the aft face of the firewall.