Scott Will

Well Known Member
I love my tip-up RV-7A for two reasons - visibility and access to the avionics. What kind of access does the RV-10 offer? I imagine it's more like a slider?? Thoughts, pictures?

That all depends on how much planning you do ahead of time.

If you dont mind laying on your back, and working up in a dark recess, while reaching up, then I would guess access could be classified as high as "crummy".

If you plan on making things accessible, put in wiring that is long enough to include a service loop, and so forth, it wont be too bad. You will need to remove the panel though-------here is where a multi piece unit shines.

I have run all of my wiring along the lower angle piece that the panel face mounts on. Each wire is 5-6" longer than it needs to be, so I can un screw the panel pieces, pull them out a couple of inches, and then lay down flat. I am making up a few brackets that will mount to the bottom bar, and hold the panel in the horizontal position while I work on it. Having a 3 piece panel is a big plus here.

No, it isnt done yet, when it is I will post photos to show the panel in the "service" position.

This is the next best thing I could come up with compared to a hinged at the bottom, tilt out setup, which wont work due to the side longerons, and the depth of instruments mounted at the top of the panel.
How much----------

How much access do you have in there with the windshield installed????

You really cut into an area that, IIRC, Vans has designed to be structural. Reference sec 41, page 2 of the plans. Notes under "key information"

I notice that you have put in reinforcements there----good, was that done by "TLAR", or did Vans bless your mods??

Your setup with the fans really looks good, are you going to put GPS antennas on the dash, do you know if the electrical noise from the fans will bother the antennas??
Deems Davis said:
Here's something I did to provide another access point, and accomodate some 'defrost' at the same time. 41 Upper Fwd Fuse Install/slides/DSC04357.html

use the controls on the left of the page there are 10-15 pictures of this modification.
Credit should go to David McNeil, who gave me the idea.

I would add more nutplates around that access panel. This will help distribute that load equally over the panel. But they sure do make it nice for the avionics.
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