
Well Known Member
A brief search here didn't turn up much, so I'm wondering if anyone here has installed one of the Avidyne IFD units? I'm thinking about one as an upgrade later this year but they're fairly new so would appreciate hearing about any experiences people have had with them.
I'm having good experience with the IFD-540, which only sort-of answers your question. I chose it because it was a slide in replacement for my 530W, and because I found the user interface to be far superior.
I've "installed" two IFD-440' taking out my Allen wrench screwdriver, removing the 430W's, sliding the 440's in place and tightening them down. Configuration took a few minutes - matching the new units page for page with the cell phone pics I took of the 430 Config pages before I powered them down. Piece of cake, and have been flying with them since early this year. The user interface is different from the 430's, and also quite different from the 650 that we have in Louise's airplane. I don't think I'll ever decide "better or worse" because they have their pluses and minuses - but they do work just fine. Both are excellent navigators.

Vic did a nice comparison article in the August issue of Kitplanes, which should be hitting the streets soon (if it isn't out there already).

Compare the cost of keeping it updated with your 430W.
Consider compatibility with your other gear such as ads-b.
Compare the cost of keeping it updated with your 430W.
Consider compatibility with your other gear such as ads-b.

I don't have a 430W. I'm upgrading from a non-waas approach GPS and want something closer to an FMS, which means an IFD440 or GTN650. Either one is more expensive for database updates than what I have now.
Will the IFD440/540 drive an autopilot for enroute VNAV (i.e. crossing restrictions) as well as VNAV along SID/STARs in addition to the approach?
Are you guys really paying this kind of money for your Jepp subscriptions with the Avidyne IFD units? :eek:

I installed a IFD540 in my Mooney and as I move along I will be installing another in my RV7. I LOVE THE IFD540.
Avidyne IFD

We have installed a lot of IFD440's and IFD540's

I have both a GTN650 and IFD540 in my RV-10 and have extensive experience with both units. I find that almost everyone that I take flying in the RV-10 show up wanting a GTN650 and after using both units in flight change to the IFD540.

1. The Jeppesen NAV database cost is exactly the same for both units. The IFD540 will display Approach plates and they cost more. I only update the NAV data since all 3 of my EFIS screens have the plates.

2. Both units will control an Autopilot and give you GPS LPV approach capability.

3. The IFD has dedicated buttons that are extremely handy in turbulence.

4. The IFD has a dedicated Frequency button that I use all the time.

5. The IFD has a really nice Bluetooth remote keyboard that has become my standard way of entering data.

6. The IFD has built in Bluetooth and WiFi

7. The IFD has a touch screen that supports multi-touch for pinch zooming.

I am currently flying the new Avidyne software with Synthetic Vision and it is pretty cool.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10
Jepp Pricing

Jeppesens pricing for the Full US IFD Suite (NAV, Obstacles, Charts & Terrain) is $1,012. This covers all Avidyne products in the aircraft (for you dual IFD owners or IFD & EX series owners)
great units

Have been teaching an owner with new Avidyne... he pulled the Garmin 430 and 530. I like the software. And a free CD is available to create an avionics simulator on your PC. It does all the procedures. It took minimal time reading the POH and I feel comfortable being a right seat CFI-I with the new avionics.
Have been teaching an owner with new Avidyne... he pulled the Garmin 430 and 530. I like the software. And a free CD is available to create an avionics simulator on your PC. It does all the procedures. It took minimal time reading the POH and I feel comfortable being a right seat CFI-I with the new avionics.

THIS statement is the real reason to buy an Avidyne navigator!

I did nearly side-by-side comparisons between the IFD540 and GNS530. To say the Garmin user interface was difficult to master would have been an understatement. The Avidyne unit is light years ahead in terms of user interface.

While I could afford neither the 530 nor the 540, I did come away having learned a valuable lesson. My brain likes an FMS-style user interface. This knowledge is what has made me happy in my decision to buy the navigator I could afford, a GNS480, as its user interface emulates an FMS.
App store

Avidyne has put the IFD app in the App store for free. Load it on your IPAD and you can play with it and really understand the difference.

Avidyne has put the IFD app in the App store for free. Load it on your IPAD and you can play with it and really understand the difference.


Garmin has the GTN simulator on the app store for free as well.

That will really give you the best apples to apples comparison (after actually flying behind both that is!)
I'm having good experience with the IFD-540, which only sort-of answers your question. I chose it because it was a slide in replacement for my 530W, and because I found the user interface to be far superior.

While making the IFD a slide in replacement for the most popular IFR navigator series ever was a good move, comparing them to the GNS series is kinda like comparing a modern computer to one from 15 years ago. Yeah they are both computers but much has changed in between design cycles. Having used both the GNS and the GTN, my thoughts are that comparing the IFD to the GTN is more appropriate.


Vic did a nice comparison article in the August issue of Kitplanes, which should be hitting the streets soon (if it isn't out there already).


I have not seen this article (just looked online and it is not posted yet) so I hope that the comparison includes the latest features for the GTN series like:

End user firmware updates
User defined holds
Ability to fly radius to fix type approaches
Ability to load another approach while flying a missed approach segment
Dynamic curved flight plan segments based on speed
Animated NEXRAD for those that have weather receivers
Real time fuel range rings
LPV+V support
Advanced airway navigation including preview capability
Remote control/integration capabilities with the G3X Touch

Some of these newer features added have really pumped up the GTN's capabilities!
Thanks for the pointer to the iPad app for the IFD. I grabbed it (not in a wierd way) and am looking at it combined with the pilot's guide.

The more I learn about the GTN650 the more I am leaning away from it and towards the IFD. Their demo app probably didn't have, for me, the effect they intended.
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No matter what brand or model your leaning toward, I would make the suggestion to not put too much weight on the simulators. Almost always they are behind and not as nice as the real thing.

Highly suggest getting your hands and eyes on both actual units for the best comparison.
If you are ever in Portland Oregon and would like to try both units with a person that has lots of experience with both of them give me a call. We are located about 5 miles from Van's and have both an IFD540 and GTN650 in my personal RV-10.

End user firmware updates
Avidyne has always made every IFD540 firmware upgrade available to end customers at no charge.

User defined holds
Avidyne has always had it in the IFD540.

Ability to fly radius to fix type approaches
While the IFD540 has the accuracy to fly RF approaches, the bigger issue is that RF approaches require the pilot, aircraft and FMS to be certified to fly RF approaches. Recently Garmin added support for RNAV approaches with RF Legs, but it still has a bunch of caveats:

Ability to load another approach while flying a missed approach segment
Avidyne has always had this available on the IFD540, you can load many more than two approaches.

Dynamic curved flight plan segments based on speed
The IFD540 supports this

Animated NEXRAD for those that have weather receivers
The IFD540 does not currently support this.

Real time fuel range rings
Avidyne has always had fuel range rings on the IFD540.

LPV+V support
Avidyne added LP + V support to the IFD in July 2015.

Advanced airway navigation including preview capability
The IFD540 has always had procedure preview that actually lets you see the preview before you load the plan, not after the flight plan has been loaded.

Remote control/integration capabilities
Avidyne and Dynon/Advanced Flight Systems have and will continue to work together to create better system integrations. If you have noticed already, the AF-5000 EFIS has the same flight plan coloring as the IFD540. The IFD540 also has a number of remote control features with the remote Bluetooth Keyboard that are very useful.
Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10
What makes the world go around is that we all don't like the same thing. :)
That being said, yes I did an article for KP regarding these 2 units. When I wrote it the Avidyne unit was much fartehr ahead in capabilities than the GTN series, by a long shot. However, since then, Garmin has come out with another s/w release which is almost on par with the IFD series. But, I certianly enjoyed having the features onthe IFD for quite a while before they were available on the GTN. I do get to install and flight test both the Avidyne and the Gamrin series. They are both very powerful in their own ways. I still find the IFD series much more user friendly when in flight due to the dedicated front panel keys, as opposed to having to hit HOME or BACK to get to the same functions in the GTN series. Yes, one can point out that the GTN has more display real estate, but quite honestly, after I load a flight plan I am never really looking at the GPS. There is so much more information available on the EFIS screens these days. I could see how the larger screen of the GTN series would be an advantage to someone who doesn't have EFIS.
It's also cool on the IFD to see it capture the VOR's along the route and display ID, radial, and distance.

Quick update on this topic - I bought an IFD540 from Stein along with some other bits to go in the panel. I also picked up a TAWS annunciator from eBay, since the IFD540 has support for FLTA built in. Really looking forward to getting it installed in the next several months, but gonna keep flying until it gets cold before taking the plane offline.

Incidentally, later mods of the MidContinent MD41-1208 annunciator can be found on eBay for $40 (that's what I paid for mine). Although it's marked as a 28v unit, it functioned absolutely fine on the bench at 14v - in fact it was still visibile/operational down to under 10v.
Avidyne IFD440

Stein has a very good trade-in deal on the Garmin 430W for the IFD440 going on right now which I am seriously considering. I wonder if anyone who has experience with the Blue Tooth/WiFi module and the external keyboard would chime in here and tell us if this is a worth while option @ $900.00

I use the iPad Mini with FltPlan Go and I understand that the IFD440 will communicate with this flight planning App.

Any and all thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Thx.
Another IFD wifi point of consideration...

I just did the trade-in of my 430W for the IFD440 and will be getting the wifi option because i am looking forward to the IFD100. The IFD100 is a free app for your ipad to that will let you see and control everything on your IFD400 in a much larger format.
Ifd 100 jeppessen subscription needed? For the ifd440 I AM CONFUSED

I just received my IFD440 yesterday and havent installed it yet. I have hard time understand if i need additional subscription with jeppesen to use the ifd100 to enter the flight plan in the IFD440. ( i dont need the approach plate on my ipad. Just need to be able to use the ipad IFD100 app to enter my flight plant etc and not using the touch screen of the IFD440. )

Anybody know that. When i email jeppessen, they want me to buy a MDF subscription and say to me that it doesn?t work with the ifd 440. I need a ifd540. They don?t seem to know what i mean when i talk about the ifd100 app

Thank you
You do not

I just received my IFD440 yesterday and havent installed it yet. I have hard time understand if i need additional subscription with jeppesen to use the ifd100 to enter the flight plan in the IFD440. ( i dont need the approach plate on my ipad. Just need to be able to use the ipad IFD100 app to enter my flight plant etc and not using the touch screen of the IFD440. )

Anybody know that. When i email jeppessen, they want me to buy a MDF subscription and say to me that it doesn’t work with the ifd 440. I need a ifd540. They don’t seem to know what i mean when i talk about the ifd100 app

Thank you

I just went through this with my new 440. Just bought the Navigation data subscription for the 440. When you start up the IFD100 app, it gives you the opportunity to log in to your Jeppesen account. When you do, you will see your subscription databases. Just select the appropriate one, check it and download it into to app. Easy Peasy. No extra money. Just call them on the phone. The guy I dealt with had to check to make sure how it all worked.
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