
Active Member
We currently have an older steam gauge panel with round dials and a Garmin 430W and have ADS-B in on an iPad with FlyQ via a uAvionix Echo. Has anyone switched their 430W to an Avidyne 440 and used an Echo as their ADS-B in source for the 440 and the IFD 100 app?

Also, anyone used the 440 with an Aspen Evolution E5 with a TruTrak Vision autopilot?
I replaced my 430W with an IFD440 and it works with the echoUAT. echoUAT still talks to the iPad and iPhone running ForeFlight.

Hello Roy,
What do you mean by echoUAT works with the Avidyne 440? I have the same thing but the echo does not integrate with the 440. Were you able to get traffic and weather on the 440 from the echo? If so let me know how. Thanks
I've been using a stratux box for my IFD540 for a couple of years now; it works pretty well providing weather, traffic, etc. along with WiFi for an iPad. Connected via serial, it lives in a custom enclosure mounted behind the panel and attached to an external antenna.
Didn't know the Stratux could be connected by anything other than WiFi. Can you illustrate how you did that? Thanks
echoUAT input to IFD440

I don't know if or how the echoUAT can be used as the ADS-B data source for the IFD440. I view ADS-B traffic and weather on my Advanced 5600T and Foreflight on iPhone or iPad. The IFD440 screen seems to small to be useful. I imagine getting traffic on the IFD100 ap would be nice.

Sorry if my earlier post was confusing.

I posted a question about this on the Avidyne fourm. See

Thanks for posting on the Avidyne forum Roy. I see other complaints about Avidyne's current ADS-B in solution. It would be great if the Echo would work as a source be mirrored on the IFD100 app.