
Well Known Member
Anyone do this themselves? The "if you brick it, it'll cost ya $1200" warning is making me think twice about it. The problem is finding the time to go to an Avidyne shop, since they seem to only be open during the week.
Yes, I've done it - took about 80 minutes, but finished fine.

Put the airplane on external power!
Anyone do this themselves? The "if you brick it, it'll cost ya $1200" warning is making me think twice about it. The problem is finding the time to go to an Avidyne shop, since they seem to only be open during the week.

Easy peasy. Follow the service bulletin instructions and you'll be fine.
It's one of the easiest releases to do. It takes a little over an hour, but basically you are sitting there watching it (if you have nothing else to do, as no interactions were required).
Do keep the aircraft on ground power.

Where did you find the download?? Did not see it on the Downloads & Docs page for the IFD series...
I did the 10.2 upgrade a few weeks ago. The instructions provided with the upgrade are perfect except... During the entire install process, the instructions are very specific about maintaining power and NOT removing the USB drive. But on Pg 10/step 7, the install is complete, and there is no indication that it is ok to remove the USB drive. Small point, but when you're talking about a $1200 brick fee if the USB drive is removed at the wrong time, it would be nice to know that it's ok to remove the USB drive on step 7.

Make sure you have the N number entered into the IFD before you do the update!

10.2 uses the aircraft N Number to unlock a number of features (SVN, WiFi, ...)
and if you don't have the N number in the unit you will lose them.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
Best way for ground power?

RIVER > DAM > Generator > Substation > House > Battery Charger > Aircraft Battery

Make sure your battery charger is large enough to carry the load, turn off all other equipment during the 90 minute software load to help.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10
RIVER > DAM > Generator > Substation > House > Battery Charger > Aircraft Battery

Make sure your battery charger is large enough to carry the load, turn off all other equipment during the 90 minute software load to help.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10

Sweet thanks.

Dumb question inbound. What's a good battery charger to do this with?
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