
Chief Obfuscation Officer

For the past year or so I've been maintaining a simple but very popular list of aviation related applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch on my blog, pilotbrad.com. I am happy to announce that as of this morning the list has grown up and moved to its own home on the internet, www.AviatorApps.com. While the site is currently still a list, it now links you directly to iTunes where you may view the details of each app and purchase them.

The list is currently sorted alphabetically by app name, but in the next few week you will have the ability to sort the list by price, developer, date added to the list, and eventually category. Oooooh… aaaaaah!

In addition, the site also includes a news feed to which you may subscribe. You can then be notified (through your RSS reader of choice) when new apps are added to the list, new versions of apps are released, as well as site enhancements to the AviatorApps site. Eventually I may even include app features (i.e. App of the Week) or even app reviews. Check out the news feed (blog) by clicking the "NEWS" link in the main navigation (under the banner), or fly direct… http://news.aviatorapps.com.

Yes, the new site is an attempt to monetize my efforts, however every dollar of profit I earn from the site through referrals to iTunes or advertising will be used in the construction of my RV-7, www.RV7Factory.com. It won't cost you anything to use the site, but every app you purchase through the site will be supporting my chronic aviation habit in some way. =8^)

I've been working really hard since Oshkosh to get the site launched and more content and features will be added in the very near future, so stay tuned!!!
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Hey, what about Android? I have a G1 and have noticed a distinct lack of aviation related applications...or at least haven;t been able to find them. Perhaps you could expand your site to include apps for more mobile devices than the infamous "i"s.
Hey, what about Android? I have a G1 and have noticed a distinct lack of aviation related applications...or at least haven;t been able to find them. Perhaps you could expand your site to include apps for more mobile devices than the infamous "i"s.

Great idea. Need to find someone using Android that knows how to setup a web site and has time to do all the aviation apps available for Android.
Hey, what about Android? I have a G1 and have noticed a distinct lack of aviation related applications...or at least haven;t been able to find them. Perhaps you could expand your site to include apps for more mobile devices than the infamous "i"s.
Yea, what about it?

I'll tell you why aren't there more aviation apps for the Android platform... iTunes!

It's not the iPhone's hardware or even the OS, it is the iTunes model of distributing media, content and apps that makes the it such a hit and which every other market player is struggling to compete with.

Yes, I could expand the site to include the Android platform and even apps for the Blackberry but probably not until I find an Android or BB eqivalent to the iTunes affiliate program, and enough aviation apps to warrant the serious investement of time and energy.

It might happen, but only after I've completed and launched some enhancements to the current iPhone app list such as Pagination (coming this week), Categorization filtering (started), and then the mobile site (in the future).
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Sort of related

Okay, for those of you in the know, I have Verizon and don't want to change ($$$) at this point. When will the iPhone be offered to Verizon, or for that matter, other providers?

It is frustrating because I have a Mac, MacBook, iPod Touch and love them all. I'll like to complete the circle. I have several nice Apps for my Touch, but have to have a wireless connection close by.