
I am trying to find out if there would be enough interest to have a video competition. The contest would be to upload videos of less than ten minutes in length and the winner and runner(s) up would receive an embroidered cape back shirt or embroidered cap. Anyone that would possibly be interested should reply here
From the responses we are getting it looks like we are leaning towards having a video competition. The current photo competition is going well and will be judged by an independent panel on the 21st or 22nd. So what about the same format for the video competition? Would an independent panel of judges be good? All of the photo judges work in the aviation industry.

The first video contest will be open to anything aviation related, as the photo contest was. As the contests grow we will probably narrow the focus down to a specific segment of aviation.

Thanks Smitty for the heads up.
Ideally videos would be no longer than 10 minutes. Three to seven minutes would probably be optimal. There are a few formats that seem to take longer to buffer than others. We are constantly working to get faster and hopefully after the holidays we will bring you true HD and mobile.:D
It looks like there will be enough interest for the video contest. Videos do not have to be RV related, anything aviation related would be good, especially anything that promotes aviation, or is encouraging or inspirational. Details to follow....
Those are some good videos (another VAF hat sighting)

I guess since everyone is ready to go, we will kick off the video contest.
In order to qualify the video will have to be uploaded to and put in the video contest category there.

Additional info can be obtained here

Questions should be addressed to [email protected]

The contest will end on Dec 19th @ midnight EST