Just wanted to let folks know that there will be a couple of Harmon Rockets in the second episode of the next season of Wings To Adventure television.

This morning I posted the lineup for season three (which begins June 26) at http://www.wingstoadventure.com.

Lots of neat planes and interesting destinations in this season.

Wings To Adventure

Hi Tom,

The show is pretty good. I have one piece of constructive criticism though. Volume. Your show does not have any. I Have to turn my volume up to 30 just to hear it at normal levels. And then a commercial comes on I forget, and boom!! Maybe you could talk to the sound guy?? :eek:
I agree on the volume issue. My wife about comes unglued when a comercial comes on. Should we expect a change there this season?
Ditto on the volume issue, and since this is turning out to be a bit of a "constructive critizism" thread, is there any chance of getting better time slots for the Monday and Friday shows??? I have meetings (Eaa, and R/C club) three Wednesdays a month, so the ability to catch it on the other days would be nice.

To anybody who struggles to work around tv schedules and hates those loud obnoxious commercials: TIVO!!! I know we all spend way too much cash already on cable, but the extra ten or so a month to never have to sit through commmercials and watch stuff when I want is absolutley priceless. I'm told that about a third of broadcast time is commercials now. Screw that! I instantly fast forward through all of it now so that I can watch a two hour movie in two hours instead of the three that it takes with commercials. When a sporting event is on, I just let the machine get a headstart, then I come in and watch it without commercials. If your time is valuable, you gotta get this thing.
Web streaming

Hey Tom, Not living inside the USA, is it possible to offer the show in a web streaming mode? Lots of people are doing this, and it works great. Then we can watch the show whenever we like.

If you're not familiar with this, here are a couple of good examples:

Meet the Press

Democracy Now

The second link works better, since you get more control over the playback - MTP doesn't allow pause. :(

Many thanks!
I agree on the TIVO. IF it wasn't for TIVO I'd never watch anything! With it I watch what I want when.
TV Cable System DVR

Another option similar to TiVO is the Digital Video Recorder. We found out our Cable System (Charter Communications) had it but didn't publicize it. We dropped the HBO, Showtime, etc. package and went with the DVR and are paying about $55 a month versus about $70 before and don't regret the decision.

The DVR hard drive holds a LOT of programming, and we have Wings to Adventure recorded once a week.

Check it out with your cable operator. For whatever reason, they may have the option and haven't told you about it yet.

I believe you can also get a DVR with DirecTV, DISH network, etc.


I just knew someone was going to mention that.

I already spend way too much time here at the comp, I cant afford the lure of being able to "watch whatever I want when I want"--------I might spend all of my waking hours with Pinkie and the Brain.

Besides, then I would have to learn how to operate another box of electrons.

Mike S said:
--------I might spend all of my waking hours with Pinkie and the Brain.
Mike, what channel(s) have "Pinkie and the Brain"? Absolutely my all time favorite cartoon but I cannot see it anymore.

If you are watching it somewhere now, I would be tempted to go the TIVO route just to be able to hear. . . "What are we going to do tonight Brain?". . ."Same thing we do every night Pinkie! Take over the World!" :p
I havent been able to find P&B lately, fraid if I had TIVO or eq. I would have to search all 900 or so channels times 24 hours times 7 days looking for it. THEN, I would have to spend untold hours trying to figure out how to work the TIVO.

The only cartoon that even comes close is Marvin the Martian, and I cant find it either.

What is the world comming to?????


RVbySDI said:
Mike, what channel(s) have "Pinkie and the Brain"? Absolutely my all time favorite cartoon but I cannot see it anymore.

If you are watching it somewhere now, I would be tempted to go the TIVO route just to be able to hear. . . "What are we going to do tonight Brain?". . ."Same thing we do every night Pinkie! Take over the World!" :p

I found a 4 disc set of P&B at Sam's club-----------22 episodes, Wal Mart had it, but sold out in my area.
