Special Delivery

Well Known Member
Bob Kelly (videobobk on VAF) is the President and Founder of Aviation Nation and is one of the early pioneers who paved the way for many of the RV-12 high school build programs in existence today. If you've been to OSH in the past six or seven years you've no doubt seen him always busy leading large groups of mentors and student-builders to various meetings and vendor exhibits. During the other 51 weeks, Bob stays busy organizing new build projects or assisting one of the many Aviation Nation build projects. Get well soon, Bob! /reb
The following report was recently posted on Facebook


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Thanks for letting us know Ernie - and so sorry to hear this. Best thoughts going out for his recovery!

Bob is as good of an ambassador for flying I know. He has done so much to help kids get into aviation with the build programs he has started.

Best of luck Bob, hope you are back in the air soon!!
Get well soon Bob. Our Thoughts and PRAYERS are with you from everyone here at Wisconsin Eagle's nest project. Bob and Glenda have always been great hosts every time I took the short trip down to Indiana

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Small update, I've been visiting Bob when able around my crazy work schedule. He is slowly but surely making progress, he has made a lot of big strides from where he started. God is good, continued prayers.....