
Well Known Member
I use the NOAA Aviation website for 80% of my weather planning. I find that there is a lot of good information that you sometimes don't realize is there. I was listening to a weather webinar where I learned about the aviation forecast discussion area of the website. Its basically where the meteorologist types out what he thinks about the weather for the area. I find it extremely helpful to me in my planning at both my departure and destination areas. I thought I would share the link for others in case they too were unaware:
Thanks for posting, i visited the page, nice layman discussion of what is happening. I have bookmarked this page.
I use the NOAA Aviation website for 80% of my weather planning. I find that there is a lot of good information that you sometimes don't realize is there. I was listening to a weather webinar where I learned about the aviation forecast discussion area of the website. Its basically where the meteorologist types out what he thinks about the weather for the area. I find it extremely helpful to me in my planning at both my departure and destination areas. I thought I would share the link for others in case they too were unaware:

I've used it for quite a few years. Your tax dollars at work, so use it. I find this page very useful when planning flights a few days out as you can forward through multiple days up to around a week out.
ForeFlight users, can also access ?Discussion? locally from the App, but the website seems to be better when looking at ones route of flight.

Thanks for reminding me, it?s a great resource.
Deep Weather App

I?ve been using that link for a couple years now Ive found it very useful. I also recently discovered the free app Deep Weather. It compiles this discussion and others in one place. It?s pretty convenient.