worked great for me

haven't used the long bucking bar yet. the rivet squeezer dies and simpler work well
Avery Empennage Kit

Just finished the elevators, used all of the tools as designed, helps with the quality of the build.
Notched Squeezer Yoke, page 09-10

What did you folks do for the notched squeezer yoke called for on Page 09-10? Do we ever need the notched yoke again?

My thoughts are to, given it's use, to modify a 1.5" yoke. Least cost and compromise of the stiffness. 1.5" yoke at Avery is $89.


I can get the economy squeezer from Avery with a 1" yoke ($71) and modify that.

What did you folks do?

Bruce Kaplan
Burke, VA
RV-14 Pre-build stage
Dimpling pliers worked here for me

I didn't modify a yoke, I used a set of dimpling vice grips.

Here's a pair from Avery

I've used them many places in the build. They fit into rather tight spaces. A bit pricey, but cheaper than a yoke and I've gotten a lot of use out of them.
My 3" yoke from Cleaveland worked without modification. The profile fit nicely without notching.

What did you folks do for the notched squeezer yoke called for on Page 09-10? Do we ever need the notched yoke again?
Bruce Kaplan
Burke, VA
RV-14 Pre-build stage
Thanks, that's good to know.

It's my understanding (meaning I saw it in a video some place) that all yokes from the same mfg. have the same profile...meaning if you line them up at the nose, they follow the same angle.

Bruce Kaplan
Burke, VA
RV-14A, Pre-build Stage
Bruce, I have the Avery RV-14 tools and you are welcome to use mine when you get to that point. I think I will be past that stage in the next month or so.
