
Well Known Member
Just curious how long I could expect to sit on my RV-10 empennage before it sells? I know, I know, obviously some kits will sell immediately just by luck, but is there some rule of thumb, like 2-3 months, or some upper limit, like "oh, I've never seen one last more than 1 year?" Or am I doomed to sit on this for possibly years? (And yes, the construction quality is very good imho and the interior is primed with Akzo.)

Also, is it worth taking out a paid ad somewhere? I would think anyone in the market would just come here, but I may be wrong?

Thanks for any advice!
Certainly depends on what you are willing to loose on your investment. The more , the faster it will sell. If you are asking Van's price then only freight will be the motive. Maybe a few will take the work that you have done as motive but I think that would be a small market . I think Van's kits will move faster than the other kit manufacturers. Timing .
I sold an Rv-10 Empennage after I had completed the build, I believe it took less than a month. I was received Van's price for the kit. I had it inspected by a IA and the buyer paid for shipping from Indiana to California. That has been 8-10 years ago.
I tracked sales of used kits for a while a few years ago. I found that, on average, used kits sold for 20-50% discount, depending on location (further from Vans, more value), completion level (less complete, more value), quality of work (obviously), and time of year (spring and summer had higher value). I also found that typically 30-40% off got a sale. Anything less sat for a while.

You can’t include shipping and crating in your accounting because anyone who buys is going to have to crate and transport, so that’s just straight loss. You also typically can’t factor sales tax, as no one is looking to reimburse you for that on the used market. So Vans price X 0.6 or 0.7 will most likely net you a sale. Anything more you will most likely be waiting for someone local who is actually ready to buy a -10 AND is familiar with this site.
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It's pretty much like ANYTHING on the web. Depends on "how good a deal" it is.

When I bought my "project", it had only been on/in the classifieds here on VAF for 4 hours. And then that's only because there's 2 hours difference in OK time & CA time. I had to give them time to get out of bed.:)
Price is the primary reason something sells quickly. For big airplane parts, location is almost as important. If you lived on the west coast, I don’t think you could sell a tail kit to someone on the east coast unless you were practically giving it away. You have an advantage being from Michigan, since 70% of the population of the US (lower 48) are within an hour and a half airline flight of Detroit, which is driveable, reasonably.
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My second ad is expiring soon

I've got a -7 empennage, partially completed, that I've posted on here twice, for less than half of the Vans price. No interest whatsoever.

Maybe I'll just wrap it up and put it in the rafters at this point. That way I'll have another project waiting for me once I finish the -14A I recently started.
Location location location

I've got a -7 empennage, partially completed, that I've posted on here twice, for less than half of the Vans price. No interest whatsoever.

Maybe I'll just wrap it up and put it in the rafters at this point. That way I'll have another project waiting for me once I finish the -14A I recently started.

Todd you live in a country with a huge landmass but not a very large population. I doubt many RV builders in the USA would be interested in trying to import something like that from Canada. That's probably your biggest problem.

Other things to consider:

(1) How old is the project? Which translates to if the service bulletins have been addressed.
(2) How much re-work needs to be done. IE - An RV-7 that (may) need the new gear installed.
(3) How responsive are you?

I've been checking out the ad's, looking for an RV-14A project and will settle for a 7A project. I find it interesting the lack of follow-up from sellers. Sheeesh, if you don't want to sell it, pull the ad!
I've listed my RV9 kit for sale twice over a couple years, at about 50% off. Haven't had any interest. Wings are done, tail is done, and fuselage is a quick build. I'd like to buy a flying airplane. Good luck with your sale! It only takes one person.
Todd you live in a country with a huge landmass but not a very large population. I doubt many RV builders in the USA would be interested in trying to import something like that from Canada. That's probably your biggest problem.


Very true Charlie. I may get a better response if I haul it over to my son's place in Southeast Michigan and meet potential buyers there. It's only an hour from me, but would simplify things.
Very true Charlie. I may get a better response if I haul it over to my son's place in Southeast Michigan and meet potential buyers there. It's only an hour from me, but would simplify things.

If the kit was in Michigan then Scott Hersha's. post number 6 would definitely be in play. That said November and December are probably the hardest months to try and sell a big ticket item. That's because most people are saving their money for Christmas presents. February and March people here in the USA are getting their tax returns. Plus the fact that Sun and Fun is coming up gets Aviation on their minds.
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So true... but with lots of things on here.

I have never really sold anything on VAF but I am a buyer every now and then. I wanted to get a prop and the guy repeatably forgot to answer. Then I would remind him and he would tell me he was busy because he had to do XYZ and would get back to me tomorrow.... never happened. I followed up twice. after that I ask myself do I really want to deal with that after sending someone cash?

I have looked at the used market of kits for a long time and I did buy a used wing kit. Turns out it was quite the adventure and took a lot of effort but did work out. About a 40% discount over new price is what I ended up with. Lost quite a bit of that in rather expensive unforeseen shipping issues.
Thanks for all the input, good discussion.
I'm definitely motivated enough to respond ASAP to buyer interest. However, I'm not motivated enough to list for 50% off... yet. I've had two bites in a few weeks, so there's that at least.
DaveO, sounds like you hit the jackpot. That guy must have really not wanted to build a plane to pay full price and shipping that far. lol
Try not to be discouraged by the fact that regardless of how good a deal you make it, you'll get messages from people offering you half that.