
I have gotten two sets of Ziptips from Aveo Engineering and They DO Not FIT!

The problem on both sets of tips are that they are 7/16 " short on the top side joggle.( Where the tip is recessed to under the skin. ) I have measured the Vans tips and they are correct but the Aveo Tips are not.

They Claim that thay have sold over 25 sets of the tips and no, I say No one has had a problem.. I have been dealing with these folks for 2 months now and I'm looking for any one that has got these tips and see If there are any fit problems.

Please let me know, I you have had problems with your tips fitting right.
Dennis McGraw
Frustrated RV4 Builder.

You need to shim the inside rib. I had the issue and they sent me instructions (vague) to fix them. But they fit now.
You need to shim the inside rib. I had the issue and they sent me instructions (vague) to fix them. But they fit now.

Can you share more details of what you had to do? I'm about to order mine as well, best to not have surprises :)
Could you take pictures so we can see the issue? (And then some of the fix?)

I'd love to order some of these but.. I'm disinclined right now..
I can't easily take pictures, because they are on the wings.

But there is an internal rib in the front of the tip. They need to be fiberglassed into place. The factory made them about 1/4" too small. I was told this was on purpose due to "tolerances".

You end up needing to cut pieces of balsa wood about 1/8" thick and about 1/2" long, crazy glue them into place, slip the rib in, and then test to see if they fit the end of the wings. You can shim more or less to get the fit correct. After you are done you fiberglass the joint around the shims.

The tips are very well engineered and manufactured. Damien in Florida tries tries very hard to keep the Customer Service good, but he can be limited by what the people back in Europe do.

When I got mine, the instructions were not yet complete, and the English was very rough. Critical things that should be been emphasized where not. In my opinion this is definitely a "measure twice cut once" kind of operation. But if you are like me, once you see the tips, all other options become second ugly cousins in comparison.

Send me an email directly to cjd9 @ and I can send a reply with pics that I would rather not post here.
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Aveo Ziptips

My Aveo Ziptips were about 1/2" too big. They suggested we cut and fit them. I said for the price, they should already fit.

I supposedly was in the first 10 shipped group of wing tips. Maybe 9 months ago.

The idea and artist design looked great, the actual product needs work on both quality and fitting.

I shipped mine back and got a partial refund. So, there have been problems.

My modified Vans wing tips are much stronger and fit much better.

The Aveo switches are great, but, they are no longer made.


They don't listen

I am a long time user of AVEO stuff. I really love their products. Many years ago I offered to consult with them on their projects and interact with the Experimental world and specifically RV's. I developed a mount for their 6 in 1 lights and they started using the concept. The reception was good but I was skeptical if they would listen and use the experience. They did a little.

When the idea of the Zip Tips came out and got in touch and said, "there are some things you need to know." Their idea was to come out with a completely plug and play tip. They bought tips for all the different flavors of RV's, made molds and started making tips. I was talking to them one day and they said they were about ready to ship. I asked, "what are you doing about the trailing edge?" Pregnant pause..... "What do you mean?" I said, "all the trailing edges, are slightly different. The trailing edges of the tips need to be matched to the ailerons."

I suggested they develop a system so that the tips get installed, TE adjusted, THEN the rear facing light installed by the owner. Not sure this was ever done.

I should point out that I did not get the Zip Tips. I only wanted the lighting modules since my tips were already fit to the plane, antennas mounted, reinforcements completed etc.... I got the modules and I'm in the process of fitting the ribs to mount the lights that were mentioned earlier.

Not sure if I can be of further assistance. I think if you want a very good lighting product and are willing to put up with a little you'll be happy.

Thanks for all the input.. I'm working with Aveo on my tips and they are fixing the problem for me.

Happy Flying
You can buy the same lights without the tips? I'd love to stop by sometime and see what you are doing with them. I'm considering getting them for my RV6.

I am a long time user of AVEO stuff. I really love their products. Many years ago I offered to consult with them on their projects and interact with the Experimental world and specifically RV's. I developed a mount for their 6 in 1 lights and they started using the concept. The reception was good but I was skeptical if they would listen and use the experience. They did a little.

When the idea of the Zip Tips came out and got in touch and said, "there are some things you need to know." Their idea was to come out with a completely plug and play tip. They bought tips for all the different flavors of RV's, made molds and started making tips. I was talking to them one day and they said they were about ready to ship. I asked, "what are you doing about the trailing edge?" Pregnant pause..... "What do you mean?" I said, "all the trailing edges, are slightly different. The trailing edges of the tips need to be matched to the ailerons."

I suggested they develop a system so that the tips get installed, TE adjusted, THEN the rear facing light installed by the owner. Not sure this was ever done.

I should point out that I did not get the Zip Tips. I only wanted the lighting modules since my tips were already fit to the plane, antennas mounted, reinforcements completed etc.... I got the modules and I'm in the process of fitting the ribs to mount the lights that were mentioned earlier.

Not sure if I can be of further assistance. I think if you want a very good lighting product and are willing to put up with a little you'll be happy.
Can anyone here comment on whether the Archer Nav antennas will fit properly in an RV10 wingtip with the Ziptips lights installed?