
Hi there!
I was wandering on purchasing the Aveo Zip Tips as well as the Ave Rocker switches for my RV8...
I would like to have some feedback from the ones who used them...
Specially concerned about the switches as they are discontinued and don't know why...
Rgds!! Alex
The rocker switches work great. They have little in the way of paint protection and can chip. So I had my painter hit them with a coat of clear coat and they have stood up well. I SUSPECT the reason they were discontinued is low volumes. The manufacturer has high minimum orders and I suspect Aveo didn't market and sell them well enough to warrant them ordering more and continuing the product line.

Hi there!
I was wandering on purchasing the Aveo Zip Tips as well as the Ave Rocker switches for my RV8...
I would like to have some feedback from the ones who used them...
Specially concerned about the switches as they are discontinued and don't know why...
Rgds!! Alex

Do a search for "aveo" and you'll find information on the Zip tips.