Active Member
For those who went to Oshkosh and looked at the new Led's from Aveo and Aero Led's , I was curious how the two compared and what your opinions were as far as what you liked or did not like. Which one would you recommend.


:)I preferred the aeroled's. Seemed to be a lot easier installation. It was one of the things I had on my list to check out at Oshkosh. I will be installing them on my 7A.

Jay Erickson, RV-6A complete, RV-7A finishing kit N952J
Neither is as bright as regular strobe/nav lights, when I saw them in person on the flight line.

AEROLEDs weigh less than the Aveo leds even though Aveo reduced the weight from last years models. I am not shopping for lighting yet but both seem costly and I wonder if certified lighting might be cheaper. I have been flying Whelen and Aeroflash for 15 years and I only replaced one taillight bulb and that was a Grimes halogen...$60 though.

Dick DeCramer
RV6 N500DD flying
RV8 Fuselage
Northfield, MN

I spent time at both booths. The aveo is awesome and their new spot/landing lights for the tips are just what i want, rocker starter button is tres cool too. Their prices are CRAZY high in my opinion. The total for two tip lights and full rudder, nav strobe etc for my 9a....$2600. HOLLY COW.
Great looking lights but...thats wacked if you ask me.

The aeroleds were great, personally not as cool a unit as the aveo, but maybe thats a good thing. In the daylight the spots were plenty bright to light up the ceiling of the hanger...I would like pireps from someone who installs and uses them before i dish out thousands. I love the leds, but until its actually on the market, in a box i can touch and buy, and others can report that they work well and the install was good...i will keep my powder dry. I think in the next year we will see some much better products and prices.
My choice is made.

I agree with a lot of the comments and yes i would like to have more $$ in the tank to go flying but............ i want to be seen!!

The only Lighting solution for me...and I have talked to everyone exhaustively this Oshkosh is Aveo, as the "solution" is exactly what i want........the best there is!

Looking at aircraft in the show I noticed every one that had Aero Leds on were full of condensation, this,made me decide that whatever the warranty..........the company has to be there to support it , and i fly in cold damp wet weather, so my lights need to survive.........I doubt the water penetration in the pulsar would allow this for long??
I cant post pictures so if you want me to mail them ....let me know?

GREAT OSH 2009!!
I was way put off by the hard core sales pitch at both booths like I was a potato on the couch watching an infomercial, standing there in real life. They both need to take care who they are talking to... WE were interested, stopped to talk, but were way put off by the sales tactics, somewhat expecting us to be ignorant. I'm not sure some vendors get this dynamic.
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to address the comment on the "condensation" in a couple of Pulsar ExP units at Oshkosh. The reality is that these particular units suffered a seal failure of the bond line between the lens and the heatsink. We recovered these units and provided replacements to the customers.

We had done quite a bit of testing on our lens bond, including pressure cycling and thermal shock (heating to 170F followed by immersion in ice water) for multiple cycles without any problems. However, as many of you may know from experience, real world conditions can and do vary from testing, so often problems can surface that are not exposed until the units see a variety of environmental conditions.

We have completed our failure analyis of the units that lost their seal integrity, and have identified the root cause of the problem. We have a solution that we are implementing to improve the integrity of the seal.

Despite the water intrusion in the units that we recovered, all of them were fully functional with no compromise to their functionality.

We stand behind our products, and as good engineering practice, we embrace problems and view them as opportunities to make the product better.

I have a number of great installation photos of our products that I took on the show grounds this year and will post them soon to share with everyone.

Thanks to those of you that stopped by and introduced yourselves to me at our booth. I enjoyed meeting you all in person. The show this year was a lot of fun, and we really appreciate all of the great people that use our products.

Best Regards,

Dean Wilkinson
I was way put off by the hard core sales pitch at both booths like I was a potato on the couch watching an infomercial, standing there in real life. They both need to take care who they are talking to... WE were interested, stopped to talk, but were way put off by the sales tactics, somewhat expecting us to be ignorant. I'm not sure some vendors get this dynamic.

Hi Scott,

I'm sorry if folks at our booth came across that way. Can you tell me if it was at the indoor or the outdoor booth? I appreciate the feedback and will try to let everyone on our crew know that they may be coming across as too pitchy. I personally tried to not be that way, but sometimes after talking to 100's of people, it tends to get that way because we get tired and stuck in a rut in how we try to explain the products to people.

You can send me a private message if you'd prefer to respond that way.

Best Regards,

Dean Wilkinson
Hi Dean...I had the same experience Scott did at the outside booth. I did buy a set of 1600's for each wing for my 7, but I did make it a point to buy inside. The group there was very helpful on the last few questions to make the choice...

Yes, I too am turned off by the prices of these units. I understand that R&D for new products is expensive, but are these units worth the high price for the average builder? I started this thread in the hope of high reviews by the RV building public, but it appears the high reviews dont come anywhere near the high price to justify a purchase at this point.

Thank you for the replies.

One of my main purposes for Osh this year was LED lighting. I was probably between booths 4 or 5 times to evaluate. I agree the sales pitch was there and probably a little more so at Aero but not too bad. After all, they are there to sell and many are completely unfamiliar with this technology.

So, after careful evaluation considering cost, functionality over all quality, I selected the Aveo product. Although both are excellent, here's why.

The Aveo Position lights/strobe combo is completely sealed in a hard acrylic. They were whacking this against the booth. No chance of moisture intrusion. It is a very solid unit. Slightly heavier but nominal. I don't have my note sheet in front of me so I can't compare the price. Life time guarantee.

What ended up selling me on Aveo is the combination landing light/taxi light. This is all one unit. They are developing a mounting system for this specifically RV's to mount in the wing tip cutout. The position lights mount to this fixture making a simple easy unit.

The landing light comes in either a 2 LED or 4 LED. They said it was new LED that just became available and they developed the landing light/taxi light in 90 days. THEY ARE BRIGHT. The 2 LED running at partial power was greater than my Duckworks. The 4 LED is off the chart. If fact, the person I was working with said they were asked not to turn on the 4 LED in the booth. At 25% power they were more than bright enough for normal operation.

The taxi lights are surrounding the landing light fixture and are also very bright. The wig wag feature is in the taxi light. They are bright as well.

Although they did not have the pricing structure complete, the 4 LED landing light and taxi combination will not be more than $995 for the pair. At first blush this seems high. However when you total separate landing lights and taxi lights, you won't be too far off this. In fact, I think the Aero's would be a little higher priced. And with Aero, you still have to figure out how to mount them.

We're getting ready to leave OSH and I gotta pack up. Bottom line, on my new project, I want serious lights. My duckworks are really inadequate and I fly at night a lot. Although price is a factor and both are excellent products with great company support, I chose the Aveo.
Aero LED's

All, we installed a full set of Aero LED's on our RV-10. We had been waiting for Aveo to make good on their promises of an embedded wingtip version for over six months. Each time I talked to them they promised two more weeks. Not trying to bash anyone, just relaying our experience. With the level of commitments they had to meeting their promised delivery we began to question their level of commitment when it came time to honor warranty.

I came across Aero LED's shortly after Sun-N-Fun, after a quick e-mail asking when the embedded wingtip version would be available; I asked if they could make us a custom set which had the rear position lights on the wingtips removed. No problem, no added cost, had the lights in hand within two weeks. They are expensive; I hope we were part of the mass to get the company into higher volume of production so the price can start to work its way down.

We like our Aero LED's.... I have an opinion of LED lights, I think they are great to look at and see, I think they are terrible to use as a light to see, if that makes any sense. I was driving down the freeway at night, up ahead was a squad car with a car pulled over and his lights on. He had an LED light bar and they were bright, I could see them forever. When I passed him I noticed he only had the rear portion of his light bar turned on. Once passed I noticed I could barely see the light emitted behind the car, in other words they didn't light up much at all to see with, but they could be seen very well. That is when I was convinced that LED's could be used as position and strobe lights, but not as landing and taxi lights. I have had the same experience with flashlights. My opinion, and should be taken as such....

Jason Kreidler
N44YH - Flying - #40617
4 Partner Build
Jason Kreidler - Tony Kolar - Wayne Elsner - Kyle Hokel
Aveo vs. Aero

Just walked in the door, after my return trip from Oshkosh (commercial). Looking at these two booths was one of my highest priorities. I absolutely loved the AVEO LEDs. However, I was floored by the price. At $2,700 for a complete set on my soon to be 9A, I will have to keep shopping. Aero was offering some very attractive show special pricing. I will have to consider that, even though I like the Aveo products better.

This puts me in one of those decision points. Keep surpassing my budget and go for the product I like? -or- Buy a really nice product that I can afford that is less expensive. In this case, I could see spending almost $1,000 less on the Aero or some other lighting solution. So you say what's the big deal, it's only a grand... well, I keep coming up with that question in all sorts of areas (EFIS, ENGINE, Radios, Transponder, etc, etc.). At some point I have to say NO, and stop going for that new gadget with the premium price.
As promised, here are some photos and videos I took around the grounds at Oshkosh of our lights as well as Aveo and Whelen:

First off, we donated and installed 4 of our Sunspot landing lights in the EAA 2010 Husky sweepstakes plane:


First side completed:


GE4509 on the other side still needs to be changed:


Long shot of the LED and GE4509:


Here is a shot of one of the Aveo lights installed on a Tundra in the North Aircraft area:


This is the AeroLEDs 1600 installed in the Remos GX:



Here is the new Pulsar NS90 installed in a newly completed RV8:



Here is a short video clip of the Pulsar NS90:

Here is a video clip of Aveo strobes on the Dynali helicopter and the My Sky MSONE:
This is the Pulsar EXP installed on Greg Poe's MX2:



This is the Microsun and Pulsar EXP installed on the Jabiru LSA:




This is the Microsun installed on Lockwood's Air Cam:



This is the Pulsar EXP installed on the Lancair Evolution:
