
Well Known Member
First off, let me say that I am in no way connected to the Aveo company. I was cruising by all the vendors booths at Oshkosh today looking for stuff for my RV-7A (radios, transponder, Dynon EFIS, etc) and I stumbled across the rather small booth of these Aveo guys.

I have to tell you, their stuff looks incredible. I was on the virge of spending a lot of money this week and now I think my panel is going to get redesigned. They have a lot of great looking products...one of my favorites was a Comm/Mode S Transponder/ & TIS all in one unit! All of their devices have touch screens with really great looking graphics. The prices they have listed for each item is very inexpensive, too. The comm/xpndr/TIS is supposed to cost ~$1,700. :eek:

I asked them what the catch was...and they said they just don't want to gouge customers. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but after a long talk with a few of them, they seem very legit and their products are fantastic.

Has anyone else seen their stuff? What do you guys think? Here's their link.
I've had a look at their Web site and it looks to me as though they're not one integrated product, they appear to be seperate systems.

I don't recall the exact prices of each unit...but I do recall that they're inexpensive compared to what I was looking at before. I don't think any single unit was over $1,800, and most were around $1,500. The EFIS, for example was right around $1,500. The intercom was very expensive at $1,100 compared to what I was going to spend (around $250 for a Flightcom), but there was a ton of functionality. It had wireless capability for headsets and interfaces (with Bluetooth) to GSM cell phones. They told me to keep an eye on the website in the next couple of weeks for pricing and the ability to order.

Shiney, you're correct, but I think that most (if not all) devices interface with each other. My plan was to have a Dynon D100, Grand Rapids EIS, Com, Transponder, Intercom, and AvMap GPS. If I decide to go with Aveo's stuff, I'll still have an EFIS (which already integrates several instruments into one package), a GPS, an EIS (with a nice graphical interface), and intercom. But the radio & transponder will be integrated into one unit, plus I'll gain a TIS. One other thing to note was that they told me that everything was configurable. For example, if I didn't like the colors on the buttons (whether on the screen or on the side of the unit) that I could easily change them.
I know that Aveo in the past marketed Stratomater products under their own name. This does not look like a Stratomaster product.
gpiney said:
I know that Aveo in the past marketed Stratomater products under their own name. This does not look like a Stratomaster product.

You are correct, we where at one stage involved with Aveo. We decided to part ways some time ago. It was not in our interest to continue.

We developed the wireless intercom but decided at the time not to put this into production (we made 100 sets for an extended field trail of which some went to Aveo). The current Aveo system does not seem to be based on our technology allthough the unit looks surprisingly similar to ours.

We have a strickt non-military dictum for our products and this was in conflict with Aveo which has BAe Systems backing.

CEO MGL Avionics
Given that here in the UK mode S will be mandatory for new aircraft coming on stream in 2008 their Comm/Transponder product looks great. On the face of it, its a no brainer; Garmin GTX330 and SL40 for $5,000 + or the Avea combined Comm/Trans! My problem is that I always have this nagging doubt when I see deals like this, "pay cheap, buy twice" ! what do others think?

Early adoptees of a product....

May have issues. Perhaps Aveo should install (free) some of their units in aircraft that fly a lot (like mine).

PS, thanks for the link. Hopefully they will be successful but one thing that seemed odd is the large...apparently unprotected....Master Reset button. Perhaps it is only activated by a prolonged depression to prevent inadvertent restting in flight.
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shiney said:
Given that here in the UK mode S will be mandatory for new aircraft coming on stream in 2008 their Comm/Transponder product looks great. On the face of it, its a no brainer; Garmin GTX330 and SL40 for $5,000 + or the Avea combined Comm/Trans! My problem is that I always have this nagging doubt when I see deals like this, "pay cheap, buy twice" ! what do others think?


There is no real reason for the high prices of transponders - except that there are few makers that don't have much competition. Aveos price in our opinion is very doable and in fact nearly double of what we are currently have as our project target for our own mode-s.
The bottom line, for any product from any maker, is how well it works in real life and if you can get it serviced 10 years down the line. If Aveo continues in the manner suggested on their website, they will be very successfull and this means they will be around for a long time.

It is without doubt that we have now entered the golden area of the EFIS. Pilots and builders are spoilt with huge choice and falling prices, being able to purchase low cost systems that will blow away the equivalent stuff in an average 747.

It's a limited market though, and there are too many players allready. There will be fallouts. Aveo is not going to be one of them I think. I feel a bit more sorry for some of the U.S. manufacturers, there are tough times ahead.

CEO MGL Avionics
I am confused. They look good, but to get engine monitor, attitude info, com and GPS, do I need 4 separate units? The hardware looks different for each one.
Other systems, notably Enigma can do this from one screen (plus a radio unit behind the panel)
Is it just me or is their website confusing as all get out? After a few minutes, my head was spinning and I had no idea what was what and how to put together a system.

The pricing page seems to suggest that you need all those products to build a panel and it comes up to over 10K for the cheaper one.

I suggest they make their website more user friendly. :D
Looks to me like....

Many of the different functions are done by adding boards to one unit.

Actually, after looking at the price list they all appear to be separate. In which case why would someone get the Fuel Miser if they have the Engineer?

Or why would most people want both the Transcom and TraffiCom.
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I'm with Brian, to me the web site is confusing. It looks as if you would have to purchase four pieces of hardware to get a system like the enigma.
Also of concern is the hardware for the AHRS system cost only $250. This sounds so cheap that I am not sure I would want to put any faith in it.
Could someone who is lucky enough to be at oshkosh take a picture of these things? The pictures on their website look like a 3D image. Im not sure if a panel full of these things would look better and make more sense than a single D180/Enigma/AF3500.
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Their website doesn't confuse me, but that's probably because I saw their products live. They are all separate units but if I understand correctly, they have the ability to swap information from other devices that are "networked" to them...for example, I asked them if I could show the AOA function on the EFIS (it's currently on the "GLT" box) and they said you can, but only if you have a GLT.

I think their website could use more details, for sure. I'd like to see some pictures of the other "modes" that the devices can display. Like if the EFIS has checklists or something, it'd be helpful to see what it looks like.

Getting back to the "all in one" type units...I think that has it's pro's and con's. I think it's a great idea to have all that information presented right in front of you in a single location, but at the same time I don't like the idea of having to press buttons to go from say, EFIS mode to Engine instruments mode, or comm mode. MGL has the advantage of a large screen size and I think that's a great way to overcome that problem. I just start wondering if things will get a little too cluttered on a single screen.

I'm usually not the "early adopter" type when it comes to stuff like this, but imho it was space-age looking stuff at a great price. The rendered images of their products on their website look the same as they do in person...I didn't even notice they weren't actual pictures until the earlier post and I double checked. But the units they had on display look the same...not sure if that's helpful to anyone, though.

Edit: I just remembered this...I asked the Aveo guys if you needed all of the units, and you don't. You can mix and match, so to speak. Also, you won't need the "Fuelmiser" product if you have the engineer. Likewise, they told me that you wouldn't need the Transcom unit if you had the Trafficom. Although, if you wanted a backup radio you might! Then again, you'd have a backup transponder, too.
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rph142 said:
Could someone who is lucky enough to be at oshkosh take a picture of these things? The pictures on their website look like a 3D image. Im not sure if a panel full of these things would look better and make more sense than a single D180/Enigma/AF3500.

Better still, can someone get video of a unit and post it on YouTube !!!!
Maybe use your wifi while at the show.
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Looks to me like you have to fill your panel with these modules. If so, this does not seem feasable for an RV. If this is the case, who would really want a panel like that?

I couldn't find any dimensions other than a 5.7 screen.

Are they 6.25 avionics stack width?

gil A
justinmg said:
Also of concern is the hardware for the AHRS system cost only $250. This sounds so cheap that I am not sure I would want to put any faith in it.
If the unit has only ICs and no much code (Kalman filters and such) I think that is plenty... so their AHRS may output pretty RAW data compared to the other AHRS'. And I quess you can connect more expensive AHRS as well if you wish. :)

Generally speaking as most have said, the web site looks pretty fuzzy and I'm not convinced when their systems has "master reset" in front panel -- makes a bit suspicious. And that is not even a smaller button, which couldn't be pushed accidentally -- it's as large as other buttons and next to them as well. :confused: But let's wait a while so we will see what they will offer us. Prices were anyway closer to Dynon/AFS than Garmin, that is a good thing.
Master reset may be referring to reset of warnings.. not reboot... After all, Airbus has Master Warn button.. and no one is concerned about it :)
I don't think it's a good idea to speculate on what the Master Reset button is for...as Radomir said, it may be for warnings. Aveo did say that these units have checklists and warning functions. The screenshot of the Engineer shows one on the bottom.

As for the AHRS, I don't think they're saying that the AHRS costs them $250, but rather that they will give you that much back. I have no idea what it costs them...it may be $5 for all we know. But the point is, that just because they said they'll give you a $250 credit, doesn't mean that the AHRS only costs them $250.

I made my own "mock up" panel with their stuff and I think it looks pretty slick. I used the larger 5.7" screen versions and estimated the size based on other units and the Aveo units I saw at Osh. I could add the Navigator and have an IFR system, and add the GLT and use their AOA and G-Meter. But, for now I think this is a good setup for me. It also costs just a hair less than my previous idea of using a single Dynon D100, GRT EIS, AvMap EKP IV, Icom 210 & GTX 327. But with the Aveo I get TIS and a Mode-S transponder. Their system also has HITS, supposedly, and some cool looking other features like wireless headsets and GSM cell phone interface. The downside is without the GLT, there's no G-meter or AOA (I think).

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Just wanted to let anyone who's interested know that the Aveo guys posted a few more details under the Glass Cockpit forum here on VAF. :D
Thanks for the panel view Lostpilot

It really helps you visualize what it would look like rather than using my poor imagination.

Two points:

1) I don't see how you get an IFR system out of this since none of your nav is TSOed (unless I am wrong)

2) The bottom right engine system (fuel?) seems to be redundant to the one above it.

If the second point is valid, delete that unit. Move the fuses to the right. Move the two autopilot items to the right (where the fuel unit is deleted), or left of the leftmost glass units. Move the comm box down and in its place put the Navigator.

If you can work that up could you post it?
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Hi Ron,
It's not IFR in it's current config...that would be a VFR panel. But, and I could be mistaken, I don't think you need to have a TSO'd EFIS for IFR flight. I could look up the FARs, but I'm not around them right now. For IFR I think I would have to add the "Navigator" unit, in which case I'd move the moving map to the center and relocate the Trio A/P.

The unit on the bottom right is the intercom system with GSM cell phone & MP3 player interface. The top right unit is the Engine System and it has fuel level included.

Our displays have nothing to do with the Apple iPhone. They are made for us with a brand new technology by Kyocera and Sharp respectively for the 5.7 and 3.7 inch size instruments we offer now. Our resolution is 640 x 480, which is double that of the iPhone.


Chris Nielsen
Mix and Match Instruments, for small panel space

Not true at all, you have 5.7 and 3.7 inch units to mix and match with. If you want expanded full time fuel management you would buy a FuelMiser, but it is also all available in the AveoEngineer and in any of the screens you select to display in the Engineer in your setup menu. Also, combo units which have several instruments in one. THese were developed for small aircraft needs in panel space and for extreme ease and logic of use.

No one said the AHRS costs $250, rather we give a credit when you buy the Pilot and Navigator together, for obvious reasons of fairness. Our AHRS is an advanced technology that others will surely be emulating. Assumptions like this are not good, if you have technical questions, feel free to drop us line at the contact points on the website....thanks for all your interest in our new products.

Master Reset

This button is a very important one to you in different situations, which you can read all about next week when our webmaster returns from vacation and posts all the operating details of each instrument and their buttons... it is activated for emergency reasons after a 3 second hold function anyway, and is something that is convenient to have once you read all the different things these buttons do for you in a very logical and intuitive way.

Look forward to all your comments and suggesitons once we post this info for you to read and think about.

Thanks for your interest!

cnielsen said:
... Also, combo units which have several instruments in one. THese were developed for small aircraft needs in panel space and for extreme ease and logic of use.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for providing your insight to your products, but can you elaborate a little bit on the statement, above? When you say "combo" units are your referring to what we already see on your website? For example, the EFIS is several instruments in one, but I think what people want to know is if you'll be able to use a single screen and switch between EFIS, Engineer, GPS, etc.

My "concept" panel image in this thread is pretty much filled with identical screens that all have different functionality. Adding another one to make my panel IFR would be a tight fit. I'm sure some builders would like to have the functionality of all 6 displays (Pilot, Engineer, Intercom, GPS, Trafficom, and Navigator) consolidated down to 3 or 4 displays. Is that what you're referring to? Thanks!
yes sir, we have Combo units which combine several in one, but the webmaster is away on vacation last week and this week.... as you can imagine, we did not want to post all this before oshkosh as already our competitors are churning up the copy mill. these screens will be posted next week... i promise! There are combo units in both 5.7 and 3.7. Also, the Magnum line of certified instruments is exactlty the same hardware.
I think a bigger piece of news besides the Combo units is the fact that we will release them this Fall also in portable mounts to add some real versatility.
Online Panel Building Tools

Dont forget to contact the online panel builder websites (panelplanner Epanelbuilder...etc) so they can update their sites with your products. Thanks.
Updated USA wbsite.

Cnielsen when do you think the Aveo USA website will be updated with a lot more information on your products?