
Legacy Member
A friend just converted the wires and plugs on one of his mags to auto plugs and wires. The change to auto wires & plugs has induced some ignition noise in his radio when both transmitting and receiving. (Yes, he has turned off the mag with the auto plugs & wires and the noise goes away.)

What auto wires should he use? (The wires that come with the E/P-mags only have the E-mag logo on them, so I can't help him out.)

MSD has some wires with a wound core that are very good; I think they are about 50 ohm/ft. Make sure that the clips on the wires that go over the end of the plug are good and tight. If they are loose a small spark jumps which radiates noise.
Does the ignition noise sound like just 1 or more cylinders? What type of termination on each end? More info can be helpful on solving EMI issues. You friend can contact me @ G3i, I may have some answers.
I/ G3i prefers the MSD 8.5mm super conductor. Easy to retro fit and with no EMI issues. Here?s a link on how to do the magneto / auto spark plug wire conversion properly. Link: http://www.g3ignition.com/magmod.html

Thomas S.
Thomas, I don't know the extent of his noise but will pass this along to him.
