Trutrak was the plan.

An ADIPilot II was what I was planning. Alas, financial considerations made me postpone my autopilot and efis. I finished the plane VFR, with an eye to upgrade it later.

Recently, a fellow forum member sold me a used Navaid with servo and coupler and hardware for $650.00. I installed same Monday.

While I have not heard a lot of good things about Navaid, this one has worked flawlessly in the 8 hours or so I have flown it so far. It tracks well, intercepts and in general is very smooth. Installation was very simple.

At the top end are the certified A/P. Way too much money. Just under them are Trutrak and Trio. Trutrak has more products geared towards IFR airplanes. Trio has more features for the buck (IMHO).

auo pilot

I,m planning just a single servo trutrac. I.m total VFR and just in case I get into IMC would like to make sure wings are level and fly a 180 to get out. I read some where that most VFR rated pilots will get spatial disorientation within 60 seconds. I do not want to put my self or a passenger in that position. It has not happen to me yet and God willing it won't happen, but I just want to be sure I can get the wings level and fly a heading to get out .
Which autopilots have RV7 builders installed (or are planning installing) and why?

Alan, this isn't the answer you were seeking, but if you use the search function on this forum you will find tons of info about autopilots that you will find very helpful. The various autopilots have been discussed at great lengths in previous threads.

Good luck with your decision; be sure you take into account the mission profile of your plane and plan accordingly.
I just sold my RV 7A with an STEC, System 30 with altitude. It worked well for me, very few problems. STEC is geared toward certified aircraft and so was less helpful for homebuilders, in IMHO. (They weren't difficult like the King people, just less helpful) I'm just starting to fly my integrated GRT/Trutrac RV 10 autopilot and so far seems to have much more bang for the buck. No problems at all, lots of features.
Auto Pilot

I used the TruTrak ADI Pilot II in my RV-6 and couldn't be happier.
I highly recommend the two axis.
I absolutely love my Trio EZPilot II. I haven't really found the need (yet) to install the pitch autopilot, but I'm sure it'd be nice too.
I was hoping that there would be less diversity in the selection of the autopilot and thereby make the right decision easier. On the other hand, the array of choices also demonstrates the probability that I will be able to install whatever I finally settle on. I'm going next to the search site for autopilots (thanks Sam).

I have the Trutrak Digiflight II VS in my 7.

It is an absolutely magnificent piece of equipment and handles the 7 well. It is one of the best autopilots I've used in all certified aircraft.

Added to this, we damaged the roll servo (wiring error) and the unit was swapped out, no charge, and no questions asked. And this included shipping overseas.

I will definitely be putting the same system in my 10.
I've been flying my friend's 6 with a Navaid wing leveler and like it so much that is what I put in my 7. Don