What do you use for the settings on your TT VSGV? I have a RV7a and have been working with the settings for vertical and lateral activity, vertical lag and gain. For me it seems to work fine but my wife is sensitive to motion sickness. She says that she gets sicker with the autopilot on in turbulence than when it is hand flown. I have the vertical lag at 2 and the activities set around 6. What has worked for you?
I'll check my setting tonight and let you know how mine is set. I also find that hand flying in turbulence is much smoother than using the autopilot. The autopilot is constantly correcting whereas hand flying most tend to "go with the flow".
TT settongs

I have an RV7a flying for two years now with a TT VSGV and my settings are as follows:

LAT Activity - 0
LAT Torque - 12
Bank Angle - Med
Microactivity - 0
VRT Activity - 1
VRT Torque - 12
Min Airspd - 70
Max Airspd - 210
Static Lag - 0
Microactivity - 0
Half step - N

These work very well for us.