
SkyView autopilot settings Has any one made changes from the default. If so did it make much change I have made some changes but I think the default seems to always be the better setting.

TORQUE 10% 100% 100% 100%
SENSITIVITY 1 24 10 10
ROLL GAIN 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0

TORQUE 10% 100% 100% 100%
SENSITIVITY 1 24 10 17
PITCH GAIN 0.1 3.0 2.0 3.0
ALTITUDE GAIN 0.1 2.5 0.6 2.0
PULL RATE 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5
VSI GAIN 0.10 2.50 0.6 2.5
G ERROR GAIN 0.0 4.0 1.0 1.0
G ERROR LIMIT 0.10 1.00 0.25 0.25
DEFAULT CLIMB VERT SPD 100ft/min 3000 ft/min 500 ft/min 500 ft/min
DEFAULT DECENT VERT SPD 100ft/min 3000ft/min 500ft/min 500ft/min
MAXIMUM AIRSPEED 1.30*Vs1 0.95*Vne 0.95* Vne 129Knt
MINIMUM AIRSPEED 1.30*vS1 0.95*Vne 1.30*Vs1 1.30*Vs1
one helpful tip about AP settings. if you ever have a ap servo quit on you and you are miles from home, i know this is when it will happened to me, go into the torque settings and dial down the torque to 0 on the inop servo. you can now continue your flight with the other operable servo. this may be a big help if you are far from home. ask me how i know.
Last week I loaded in the Skyview Version 6.0 firmware and set the autopilot values to Mitch Lock's settings. His settings (as shown below) were listed in another message string in this forum. To my amazement, the autopilot works perfectly for my plane on these settings.

ROLL Axis Setting Minimum Maximum Default Mitch Lock
Torque 10% 100% 100% 100%
Sensitivity 1 24 10 5
Roll Gain 0.0 5.0 0.0
Max Bank Angle 35?
Turn Rate Target 1.5 ?/sec

PITCH Axis Setting Minimum Maximum Default Mitch Lock
Torque 10% 100% 100% 100%
Sensitivity 1 24 10 20
Pitch Gain 0.1 3.0 2.0 0.5
Altitude Gain 0.1 2.5 0.6 1.5
Pull rate 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5
VSI Gain 0.10 2.50 0.6 1.5
G Error Gain 0.0 4.0 1.0 1.0
G Error Limit 0.10 1.00 0.25 0.25
Dflt Clim Vrt Spd 100 fpm 3,000 fpm 500 fpm 500 fpm
Dflt Dsnt Vrt Spd 100 fpm 3,000 fpm 500 fpm 500 fpm
Max Airspeed 1.30*Vs1 0.95*Vne 0.95*Vne 129 kts
Min Airspeed 1.30*Vs1 0.95*Vne 1.30*Vs1 65 kts
Sorry about that. I had typed the data into a spreadsheet format with distinct columns. All that came through in the message was raw unformatted text.
Auto pilot

Are these settings the same for the D-180? If not does anybody have the D-180 settings?

My D180 Autopilot Settings

Are these settings the same for the D-180? If not does anybody have the D-180 settings?

Skyviewrs - Please cover your eyes, the following pictures are legacy graphic and you may find them disturbing...



My autopilot works very well with these settings, other than the occasional Nav Source lost issue when in NAV mode to a GPS waypoint. I understand a beta test of a software fix for that common problem is in process. I hope Dynon has not forgotten us.

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There is a thread out there somewhere with D180 settings. I used it and have a great ride on A/P. I'm out of town, but when I get back I'll post them again.
D-180 Users - close your eyes

I have been spending a lot of time trying to tweak my autopilot (bash it might be a better description - since it needs A LOT of "tweaking." I flew about 4 hours in the last two days playing with it, still with unsatisfactory results (in pitch.) Roll has always seemed OK.

I started with the Default settings. When Mitch posted his settings - I loaded them. Then I started a By Guess and By Gosh routine.

On May 30, Dynon released an Autopilot Tuning Manual for Skyview Ver 6.0 I studied it and have been using it as my guide. The last two days I hit it hard with questionable success. Dynon has you go into Expert Mode and make your first adjustments using IAS Hold. Then you go into Simplified Mode and begin tweaking the Pitch and Roll Sensitivities and Gains.

Here's where I'm at. In advanced Mode - I can tweak it to where, when engaging Pitch Mode and Selecting Altitude Hold, I could get it to quit its +/- 500-700 fpm phugoiding, and track the Altitude reasonably well. BUT - if I hit LEVEL, or went back into Simplified Mode and selected say TRK+ALT (or LEVEL), it would go back to doing a phugoid that requires some degree of test pilot nerves of steel to watch without hitting the Disconnect.

All I want is for a good Altitude Hold. I operate (or want to operate) into a high density Class B environment, and when the controller gives me Headings and Altitudes, I want to be able to nail them with some degree of precision. I hate getting yelled at on the radio with a bunch of air carrier jockeys listening.

I'm going into Dynon today and hope to have a discussion on this subject. If I glean anything worthwhile, I'll post it.

Bob Bogash
Had a couple of meetings with Dynon plus an inspection of my airplane at the Arlington Airshow.

Bottom Line - I've been having ADAHRS Vibration problems from the Get-go on my airplane, and they said with ADAHRS Vibration, Tuning the Autopilot is impossible.

I'll start another thread on this subject.

Bob Bogash
+1; Skyview v.6 TRK+ALT problem

D-180 Users - close your eyes
...back into Simplified Mode and select say TRK+ALT (or LEVEL), it would go back to doing a phugoid that requires some degree of test pilot nerves of steel to watch without hitting the Disconnect. <SNIP>

Couldn't describe our Skyview v.6 autopilot experience any better... even after affixing a stiffener across the outside skin area where the ADAHRS mounts, the autopilot in Eagle's Nest -3 remains unusable. The problem appears to be rooted in basic functionality and out of range for tweaking adjustments.
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Thanks, Ernie - always a relief to find you're not the sole, lonely voice in the wilderness.

Since my ADAHRS Vibration has (temporarily???) departed, I was thinking of making another go at the Autopilot tweaking tomorrow.

Did you have ADAHRS Vibration messages before you added your stiffener?

If so - Did the stiffener eliminate the Vibration messages?

Bob Bogash
Thanks, Ernie - always a relief to find you're not the sole, lonely voice in the wilderness.
Since my ADAHRS Vibration has (temporarily???) departed, I was thinking of making another go at the Autopilot tweaking tomorrow.

Did you have ADAHRS Vibration messages before you added your stiffener?

If so - Did the stiffener eliminate the Vibration messages?


I have to believe there are more than just the two of us in the wilderness... others are probably just over the hill and we don't hear them.

No vibration messages before installing the stiffener (a piece of 1/4 x 2 TE balsa taped down over the top with duct tape). As flimsy as the mounting area seems to be, I'm actually surprised the ADAHRS functions as well as it does. The balsa stiffener provided excellent stability to the ADAHRS, but the added stability did not provide any improvements.
What should I expect?

I reviewed this thread and it provides useful data but I have no reference on what to expect as a result. For example currently in simplified mode my A/P is oscillating around the altitude target between +50ft and -50ft with fluctuation of vertical speed between +500 and -500ftp. This does not feel right to me as I do much better than George when I am in charge. What should I shoot for while doing the tuning? If my goals are not compatible with the Skyview's A/P design I might tune the A/P forever. Unfortunately the Dynon tuning guide does not provide any objective figure on this matter.
ZERO! The autopilot should, and is capable of, holding an altitude without hunting and with a Zero V/S phugoid.

You need to continue tuning, Frog.

Bob Bogash