
Well Known Member
I am about to button up the wings and start the fuselage.
I haven't picked the avionics or autopilot brand yet.

Should I buy and install the brackets or servo in the wing?
Are all servos using the same brackets?
Is there a better bracket?
What brand is best to buy?
Or should I wait?

I kinda wanted to get as much done as possible but don't want to commit on brand until the last minute.
I'd say conventional wisdom is to use the AP that goes with your EFIS, if going the glass route, or by recommendation otherwise. In my case, I'm going with TruTrak to go along with my G900X but the BMA EFIS in my -6A has a BMA AP. That's sideways to your question but, similarly, you use the servos that go with your AP. Since I'm doing a Sorcerer in the -10, that mean TT servos for pitch and roll and the recommended trim servos which are not made by TT.

Servos vary and so do installations. TT supplies mounting and installation instructions and hardware specifically for the RV series; you can go to their website to download the manuals. I would expect other manufacturers to do the same but I haven't looked. My RV-6A roll servo is in the fuselage under the seat pans but I think the wing installation near the bellcrank is a better idea. 20/20 hindsight and all that...

I'm sure, once you settle on an AP you can get more specific replies and war stories.
My thought is to wait to attach the bottom skin, finish everything else on the wing and fuselage, at that point I will be much closer to completion and after choosing EFIS, install appropriate items and button up.
If you end up using a Dynon system the autopilot servo is very easy to install even after you button up the wing. I know this because I had to de-install a BMA servo after they went belly up and installed a Dynon servo with the wing closed.
Thanks for the input.
I have been leaning toward the Garmin G3X or the AFS systems and they both use Trutrak. There is a slight chance this may change before purchase so i think i will hold off on servos and brackets.
It does look like it would be best to run seven wire to the area now though. I have thought about waiting on the lower skins but I would rather get this out of the way before the wings go into storage.
I'm currently working on the Fuselage for my 9A. rolled the canoe three weeks ago. I did not close the wings. All done but the wing tips and closure. Why hold up. It may not be difficult to install the servos but it will surly be easier with the wing open. Gives you time to make a final selection. As for me, I've selected Dynon. It's time to fit the servo mounting bracket in the fuselage before putting on the top skin on. My plan is to close the wings when it's time to join them to the fuselage.

Keep on working.

Dan Jopling
Dunnellon Fl
Like many, I installed my Dynon roll servo and harness in a completed wing. It was easy enough.
I had, however, drilled the hole in each rib before closure, in case I needed to run extra wiring. I chose to run the servo wire well away from my main wiring conduit next to the spar, equidistant from the top and bottom skins. You can reach everything well enough through the inspection panels.
Likely that AP servo motors are the same form factor

My understanding is that MGL (my choice), Dynon and Trutrak all use the same physical motor and only the electronics vary. Obviously then, the same brackets can be used for any of these three brands. Trio is very different.

I haven't checked this out yet but it would be easy to do so using the dimensional drawings in the installation manuals. If I am right, then the same brackets will fit any of the three brands.

Apparently, only Trutrak make their own brackets. Interestingly, ACS list "Dynon" brackets at the same price that Trutrak quotes and they look identical.

I am swapping out my unflown Trio roll servo and bracket (RV-9 model) as I will be using MGLs forthcoming iEFIS, which requires MGL servos. Anybody interested in the Trio?
That is really what I was thinking.
Since it seems that the servos are the same fiscally, I could install the brackets and wiring now and buy the servos with the avionics.
My other question is, what do you run for wire?
It says seven wire and only the power needs to be 20 ga. The rest can be 24 ga.
Do people run all of this separate or do they make a bundle with all being 20 ga.
Or maybe I can run a pair of 20 ga. then another bundle of 5/24 ga.
My understanding is that MGL (my choice), Dynon and Trutrak all use the same physical motor and only the electronics vary. Obviously then, the same brackets can be used for any of these three brands. Trio is very different.

I haven't checked this out yet but it would be easy to do so using the dimensional drawings in the installation manuals. If I am right, then the same brackets will fit any of the three brands.

Apparently, only Trutrak make their own brackets. Interestingly, ACS list "Dynon" brackets at the same price that Trutrak quotes and they look identical.

I am swapping out my unflown Trio roll servo and bracket (RV-9 model) as I will be using MGLs forthcoming iEFIS, which requires MGL servos. Anybody interested in the Trio?

We too are installing MGL servos for a dual MGL Voyager EFIS setup - they are really fantastic products and being based 'up the road' in sunny South Africa there's really no choice. I was a little concerned when it came time to install the Pitch servo (which I did in my fuselage work long before I looked at the roll servo and finalizing/buttoning up the wings) because I never had any parts or details on how to physically mount them and was concerned about the time it would take to have to order installation kits, not to mention cost and delaying of my schedule, but soon found the servos to be identical to Dynon's so I downloaded the Dynon instruction manual with drawings and fabricated the brackets and parts myself with fantastic results. I did slightly modify the Dynon design with more reinforcing for lateral movement (the added angle stock) and a diagonal brace from angle to take out a twist I noticed in the bracket at servo movement.


Having completed the installation in the fuselage and with a view to finishing the wings to send them for paint (empennage being painted right now) I am currently making up the roll servo brackets from Dynon's installation manual and excellent drawings with dimensions.,8,10 Roll Kit Instructions_Rev_E .pdf

Will post pics of the completed installation shortly. ;)
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