
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm fairly certain (not locked in yet - opinions solicited!) that I want to run the Trio A/P with Altitude hold/select on my 9A. I'm quickly reaching the point where I'm ready to close my tail surfaces, and I wanted to wave a flag in the breeze for the guys who've been there and done that - do I need to order any parts like mounting brackets or servo's and install those in the empennage before closing it up? Can they be done semi-conveniently later, or done in the fuselage?

Any hints/tips/tricks would be welcome...
I am pretty sure this applies to the 9 series, but nothing autopilot related goes in the tail. The pitch servo(elevator) is installed in the fuselage. The roll servo(ailerons) install in the wing(normally).
I have installed a Trio with alt hold/preselect in a flying rv-6 and it was very easy.

Good Luck!

The vertical A/P is easy to install after completion of your project, it's located just aft of the baggage bulkhead leading to the empennage. Trio's web page includes install pictures i think, and its pretty easy to do. Only thing is maybe to run wires for the A/P through the cabin before closing up the baggage area floor, or having enough conduit in this area to run wires. Installing the servo in the wing is a little differnt and is easier done before skinning the bottom wing. Same comment with running wires..

Love my Trios....

RV-9A + H-6
AP installation

You can install the autopilot in a completed plane without difficulty, but I would make provision for wiring while its easy to do. You have minimum holes to drill for brackets and control rod end bearings at bellcranks. Its much easier to install the hardware than getting the wiring right. (ask me how I know that).
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Hey - this is the thread I was searching the forums for a few weeks ago! Thanks for the great info.

Allow me to add these keywords to help posterity find this thread: Retrofit autopilot.

-- Ulrich

RV-9 Preview plans
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