
Well Known Member
Early in the build on an RV-10, just closing up the tail and starting the wings. At this point I have not made a decision regarding panel, options keep getting better, but probably looking at Dynon, GRT, or MGL. Is there any commonality in preparation I could do while things are more open to prepare for mounting AP servos, wiring, etc?
Bill Greenley
RV-10 under constrution (standard kit, don't call it slow build)

Lots of conduits.

All of the servos have basically the same wiring requirements. Several also use the same mounting brackets.

All the servos can be easily mounted at the end of the build. Just make sure wires are run or you have a way to run the wires, hence Mike's recommendation for conduits.
Pretty much what Mike said. You can never have too many conduit runs forward under the back seat pans. Make them as large as you can, I used 7/8and even some 1-1/4 conduits. The main battery feed is a pretty thick wire. As far as the tail cone goes, you can mount the AP servo fairly easily at any point but it is good to get your cable mounts for the AP harness installed before and don't worry about the bellcrank and mount for the elevator pushrod until you get the bellcrank drilled for the AP pushrod. You may want to run conduit to the tail to run the light/strobe and if your planning on a VOR whisker ant. plan for that now as well. Think about ELT position and mounting of the ELT and the ant. Static lines are easily run at this time too. Most of us have installed an avionics shelf of some kind in the tailcone. AHRS mounting is also something to consider, I used the AFS 3500 on my first -10 and mounted the AHRS back in the tailcone. IMHO don't rivet anything that you don't need to until you know you won't need access any more except for maintenance reasons. Working through the baggage door is not fun but doable but why subject yourself if you don't have to.:D