
Well Known Member
Sometime ago I was trying to start my autopilot set-up after the Skyview installation. I received a "pitch error" and a "roll error" and I knew I needed to do some adjustment so I left it at the time.

Now I am back to it after fine tuning stick positions and flaperon positions. With things looking well rigged I went into the calibration/test screen in the Skyview. But because the system did not calibrate the first attempt I was trying again and get NO reaction when the disconnect button is pressed this time. Hum!

The Status page appears things are enabled and the system sees the servos, and like I mentioned I started this once in the past. That time things started moving around and as I recall the roll appeared different from left to right so I felt then some things need attention and adjustments. Then the "Error" message occurred and I haven't been able to proceed.

Looking for suggests. I have tried Dynon's support site but nothing yet. :confused:
There are two disconnect buttons. One next to the throttle and one on the SkyView (I assume because I have the D-180).
Try the other button.
Joe Gores
Thanks Joe

Well at least I got one response.

The Skyview does not have two disconnect buttons, just one next to the throttle. I will call Dynon this week when I am sitting in front to the unit so they can give me some ideas.
Go into your AUTO PILOT setup menu and select the STATUS page. Then press the disconnect button and see if its state changes. This at least tells you the disconnect button is working normally. If all the servos are recognized on the network and not showing "red" then they should be ready to calibrate. If they are "red" you probably have a software mismatch and need to reload the current version of S/W. Also, for the time being, go to the DISCONNECT switch menu in your Auto Pilot Setup screen. Turn the Disconnect switch fault detection to OFF ( I do not remember exactly what the label is but it is something like this). Re-attempt your servo calibration following the on screen instructions exactly. The disconnect switch is an integral part of the calibration process. If it doesn't work or you miss the step at the end your servos will not calibrate and will show errors.
As you probably know, you have to have the AP switch ON when you do a software update since the servos are not powered through the Skview (like the ADAHRS is). Now, it is possible to do a Skyview update with the servos unpowered. (Guess how I know! I often do an update by pulling the fuel pump fuse then turning the master on.) Now, what happens is if you are watching the screen during the update, you may see an error message(s) about the servos or you might miss it, when it gets to updating the servos. One time mine "queued" that update for the servos and it happened "by itself" the next time the system was on with the servos on (I think I was doing another update.) I would try redoing the last update you did, ensuring that the servos are on during the process. Note that something similar can happen with the transponder since it is also sourced with ships power, not through the Skyview network. It is possible you might have different software levels on the SV and the servos.
Autopilot disconnect check

There is an autopilot disconnect "check" or "integrity check" or something like that. Make sure that is disabled.
Thanks Bill

In my reviews of things on the Dynon site I saw the issue with not having systems on during an update. I know I did not turn on the AP during the software update to 5.1 so this is likely the issue. I read where you can turn it on next time you start the Skyview and it might update it then. I will try this first otherwise it will require a reload. No biggy.

Also the switch settings have been a little confusing specifically about the disconnect switch fault detection and what needs to be on or off. I will turn the switch fault detection OFF.
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It worked!

I turned on the AP and Avionics (just in case) then fired up the Skyview. It went into download mode and I knew this is where I made the error. Once the loading was complete I went to the calibration screen. It worked! Followed the instructions about the location to put the stick and it set-up without error, and move into the test mode. Looked good there too.

Thanks again for the help and suggestions.
I am having some problems calibrating my AP servos. I am working with Dynon, and am to a point of confusion. When I am through calibrating, the test cycle seems to give full stick deflection for pitch up and down, but the roll command from the test only seems to give a small deflection of the stick, in the proper direction. With the wings not on, I got to thinking that perhaps the wide swing side to side on the stick is not necessary in AP mode or real flying. When you tested yours, did you get a full deflection of the stick side to side, or just a small deflection? Was that with the wings on or off?
Wings on

Mine did the same as yours. Go fly it and see what you get. Mine works great with no other adjustments needed.
OK, that is encouraging. Checking further, I found that somehow I had hooked up the rod to the inside hole on the AP arm instead of the center one! Corrected that, and I think I can call the limited roll movement correct for actual flying.
Mine did the same as yours. Go fly it and see what you get. Mine works great with no other adjustments needed.
For those that may come here later for answers, this just in from Dynon:

"The Test portion will not move the controls "stop to stop", it's only intended to validate that the controls moved in the correct way, IE pitch up did in fact moved the control surfaces to pitch up position, etc."