
Well Known Member
Has anyone experimented with an alternative autopilot? I'd like to consider TruTrac or Trio, but I wonder about mounting difficulties with the servos. My fuse is still mostly open, so now's the time to do it. I don't want to buy the whole system to find out if it will work. Did that with health care.
Appreciate any experience or recommendation.
Just heresay, but a friend claims that Dynon and Tru Trak servos have the same mounting holes, even a claim that Dynon copied the TT ones.
I have the GRT servos running off of my GRT EFIS and the brackets are the same. No issues installing and very happy with them. But my question is if you have a Dynon why would you not use them, since it is integrated with the software?
I suspect he is trying to fabricate an outlaw image.

I have the GRT servos running off of my GRT EFIS and the brackets are the same. No issues installing and very happy with them. But my question is if you have a Dynon why would you not use them, since it is integrated with the software?
I suspect he is trying to fabricate an outlaw image.

Don, a little harsh, I did't get that from his post. He had a good question. (assuming that he is using the Dynon) I was wondering why since the Dynon is a good solution. The only reason I didn't use what comes with the 12 was I already had the avionics. :)

Dick the TruTrac and Trio are both good products. I personally had planned on putting in my TruTrac in my rv12. But since I already had the GRT EFIS it made sense to use the Grand Rapids autopilot servos and not take up panel space.

Good luck on which ever way you go.
Forgot to mention:

Should'a said I'm not building an RV-12, but a "DG-12".....with a Viking engine to boot!
Don's right...but I learned at the foot of the master outlaw!:D
TruTrak is a piece o' cake to install ..

I purchased and installed my TT servos before GRT offered A/P as an option. They are well designed, easy to install, and the A/P works beautifully. Simply put, there's a reason both the Dynon and GRT A/P products look JUST like TruTrak's. (aka " don't screw up a good thing") ;)
Just out of interest, if TT and Dynon are same mounting holes, what about the Garmin servo?
A totally law abiding citizen, honest!