Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
I can't find helpful stuff in this topic here:
I have an RV12 SLSA with the Dynon knobs installed. I have the new Vans RV12 Presets installed but I get a message on the SV screen that "Auto trim is enabled but not installed." That P^%$#@ me off because that was supposed to be installed in my airplane and others with similar serial numbers have it installed.

So after getting over being pissed what do I have to do to "install" the auto trim wiring. Finding that in the Van's documents has proven to be following a rabbit trail with no dog:)

Any input would be appreciated.

Do you have this panel installed? I believe its nesseccary for auto trim.:)

The obvious question is - have you talked to Vans? You could look at posts like Dave's details on installing it in an ELSA but since you are SLSA that might not do you much good.

You could also post on the Dynon forum - the factory reps there answer questions quickly. Or call them, they do phone support and can probably tell you how to check if the configuration is correct.
Hi Bruce,

There is no wiring to do providing Synergy did what they were supposed to. The problem could be as simple as a configuration issue in the Dynon. Most likely, that is the issue. Call Van's and they can walk you through the setup. Give me a call if you want further explanation.

Thanks guys!
I got it done; the "installation" required a "configuration" of the servo movements. That was it.

The problem for me was the use of those words which mean something different from their normal usage. I guess I'll have to learn how to speak geek or somehow find some of those who didn't flunk bonehead rhetoric. :)

Good deal Bruce. Chances are everything was configured correctly to begin with, but the configs were lost a while back when you sent the Skyview to Dynon for service. Anyway, glad it's all ok now. By the way, Dynon just recently put up a series of videos on UTube regarding the use of the autopilot in complex mode. Take a look if you have not found them already.
Good deal Bruce. Chances are everything was configured correctly to begin with, but the configs were lost a while back when you sent the Skyview to Dynon for service. Anyway, glad it's all ok now. By the way, Dynon just recently put up a series of videos on UTube regarding the use of the autopilot in complex mode. Take a look if you have not found them already.

I sympathize with Bruce (EBB). Having an SLSA configured exactly like his (even the same color and delivered the same month 3 serial #s apart) I had the same problem as he did with auto-trim.

We both have the Knobs panel and the A/P Panel installed. When SV 12.0 came out it provided auto-trim (if you have the A/P panel). I thought the software itself would 'enable' the auto-trim. Checking SkyView it said it was 'enabled' but not installed which seemed contrary.

After a few phone calls to Vans and Dynon, and discovering that Dynon updates the User and Installation manuals with each firmware update (well SLSA buyers weren't told!), it became obvious that the pitch servos had to be calibrated in order to 'enable' the auto-trim feature and so the 'enabled but not installed' indication was misleading at best. At least now calibrating the auto trim made sense, but still had to call again and find out whether an SLSA owner could do this or did a mechanic have to do it? I did it under the watch of my mechanic anyway.

I finally got Vans to detail the calibration procedure and they added it to the ReadMe file that accompanied their version of the Dynon firmware update.

The calibration is simple and straightforward (once you KNOW) and I got my auto-trim to work.

There is definitely a disconnect between Vans and the SLSA buyers versus the builders. Buyers haven't gone through the lengthy building process and thus seen every aspect of their airplane under construction and calibration. Yes, it IS possible to 'learn' by going back and reading through the Installation manual. The issue for me, as a new SLSA buyer, was I didn't know there WAS an Installation manual at first and then when I did, believed it probably applied to builders not SLSA buyers.
However, as an SLSA buyer you're not sure if you 'need to know' other than out of interest. By this I mean, if you bought a car from a dealership (and didn't make it yourself) you would assume that everything works, everything is programmed and set up, and all the options are up and running. You don't expect to have to call the car dealer and have them say "oh, you need to set up Sirius radio, the navigation etc and if you like I'll mail you the lengthy manual that has the info in there if you look for it". Just saying. If I'd KNOWN I'd have made provisions to deal with this and I suspect Bruce would have too, so please don't be harsh with us!!

Similarly, with Dynon, their assumption is, and so they talk to you as if, you built the plane yourself. It's not their first thought that you bought an RV-12 as an SLSA and so initial conversations invariably have the tech guy say that he's confused. Then you say, it's an SLSA, and they say….ooh, I get it..and then we start to make progress.

The result is that, in my experience with an SLSA, is that there is usually 'that one thing' that if told would make perfect sense and be of great help. If not it's a cause of some frustration and consternation, right Bruce?

I acknowledge, it IS a learning process, and now forewarned, and forearmed, moving along with an SLSA, as opposed to an ELSA, I'm aware that there is a 'builder culture' versus and 'owner culture' with some subtle things to be aware of.:) Now that I am aware of this, things are easier.

Just saying guys! I've learned a lot and LOVE the RV-12 SLSA and think that VAF is the BEST owner site!
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Top Cat and I are decidedly on the same page.....of the "Installation Manual" :). I didn't think I should have to read that because I didn't install anything. If fact I spent $125,000.00 with Van just to avoid "installation" of anything.

But SLSAs are about zip, zilch as a percentage of Van's total business which is just about totally builders so I understand why it is that, when I call the help line, I get a guy who automatically assumes I've spent the last two years bucking rivets.

But, bottom line, I LOVE MY AIRPLANE and I am convinced that it is the best airplane I've ever owned.....it is number nine in our family in the last 50 years. I think (but I'm still kinda unsure of this) that I love it better than the beautiful V35B that we owned for 30 years and 3000 delightful hours. Them days is gone forever...so time to get on with it at 120 knots instead of 170 knots. :)

IT updates are a function of being able to have such a nice, modern suite of avionics.

I probably spend more time doing this than any thing else really, but I have the Sea Av, and I like my software to be up to date.

Yes, there is procedure to set up the auto trim, it is covered in the manuals.

My guess is Synergy gets the basics set up and you still have to spend some time fine tuning all the details of the software.

I just installed the 13.0xxx from Van's site and added and set up my AOA, always something to do.....kinda makes me feel like maybe my ELSA is worth more than the SLSAs perhaps!
I sympathize with Bruce (EBB). Having an SLSA configured exactly like his (even the same color and delivered the same month 3 serial #s apart) I had the same problem as he did with auto-trim.

We both have the Knobs panel and the A/P Panel installed. When SV 12.0 came out it provided auto-trim (if you have the A/P panel). I thought the software itself would 'enable' the auto-trim. Checking SkyView it said it was 'enabled' but not installed which seemed contrary.

After a few phone calls to Vans and Dynon, and discovering that Dynon updates the User and Installation manuals with each firmware update (well SLSA buyers weren't told!), it became obvious that the pitch servos had to be calibrated in order to 'enable' the auto-trim feature and so the 'enabled but not installed' indication was misleading at best. At least now calibrating the auto trim made sense, but still had to call again and find out whether an SLSA owner could do this or did a mechanic have to do it? I did it under the watch of my mechanic anyway.

I finally got Vans to detail the calibration procedure and they added it to the ReadMe file that accompanied their version of the Dynon firmware update.

The calibration is simple and straightforward (once you KNOW) and I got my auto-trim to work.

There is definitely a disconnect between Vans and the SLSA buyers versus the builders. Buyers haven't gone through the lengthy building process and thus seen every aspect of their airplane under construction and calibration. Yes, it IS possible to 'learn' by going back and reading through the Installation manual. The issue for me, as a new SLSA buyer, was I didn't know there WAS an Installation manual at first and then when I did, believed it probably applied to builders not SLSA buyers.
However, as an SLSA buyer you're not sure if you 'need to know' other than out of interest. By this I mean, if you bought a car from a dealership (and didn't make it yourself) you would assume that everything works, everything is programmed and set up, and all the options are up and running. You don't expect to have to call the car dealer and have them say "oh, you need to set up Sirius radio, the navigation etc and if you like I'll mail you the lengthy manual that has the info in there if you look for it". Just saying. If I'd KNOWN I'd have made provisions to deal with this and I suspect Bruce would have too, so please don't be harsh with us!!

Similarly, with Dynon, their assumption is, and so they talk to you as if, you built the plane yourself. It's not their first thought that you bought an RV-12 as an SLSA and so initial conversations invariably have the tech guy say that he's confused. Then you say, it's an SLSA, and they say?.ooh, I get it..and then we start to make progress.

The result is that, in my experience with an SLSA, is that there is usually 'that one thing' that if told would make perfect sense and be of great help. If not it's a cause of some frustration and consternation, right Bruce?

I acknowledge, it IS a learning process, and now forewarned, and forearmed, moving along with an SLSA, as opposed to an ELSA, I'm aware that there is a 'builder culture' versus and 'owner culture' with some subtle things to be aware of.:) Now that I am aware of this, things are easier.

Just saying guys! I've learned a lot and LOVE the RV-12 SLSA and think that VAF is the BEST owner site!

Believe me....it isn't jus S-LSA owners that experience this. Building (metal/rivets fabrication) was a breeze...there is a disconnect when it comes to avionics install and set-up. Could be "much" more together. I'm still scratching my head; however, I'm sure (as many before me) I'll muddle through.
Believe me....it isn't jus S-LSA owners that experience this. Building (metal/rivets fabrication) was a breeze...there is a disconnect when it comes to avionics install and set-up. Could be "much" more together. I'm still scratching my head; however, I'm sure (as many before me) I'll muddle through.

Reading my mind! Thank god one of my best buds is a network engineer and a S/V user or I would have had to install steam gauges.;) Being fluent in D180 was not much of a help for me. Thanks to Mark Bishoff (Skunkworks) and Steve at Dynon tech support, I am a happy S/V user. How about a book called "How to program and operate your SkyView, a book of step by step instructions for the complete idiot"?:rolleyes:
Reading my mind! Thank god one of my best buds is a network engineer and a S/V user or I would have had to install steam gauges.;) Being fluent in D180 was not much of a help for me. Thanks to Mark Bishoff (Skunkworks) and Steve at Dynon tech support, I am a happy S/V user. How about a book called "How to program and operate your SkyView, a book of step by step instructions for the complete idiot"?:rolleyes:
Well, I'm kinda working towards that:
