
Well Known Member
I just finished an RV7 with a single wide screen GRT Sport. I want to install a 2 axis AP and have always liked the TruTrak products and customer support. I was going to wait for the new Gemini series but it looks like that might be a while so I was considering going with the GRT AP. Any feedback would be appreciated.
I am not sure of the sport series, but for my Horozin 1's, GRT told me they were developed to work with the TruTrack.

And, TruTrack said the same;)

Best bet would be to call GRT, but I suspect they will work just fine.

You're not alone in wanting a Gemini. I'm interested in using it as a backup EFIS in my RV-10.

Lucas posts periodic statments on it's release date on Trutrack's forum. The last I read implied that it would be available this summer around OSH timeframe.

I prefer an independent autopilot for IFR, to give you some think time if the EFIS goes dead. If you don't mind hand flying for awhile, I would recommend waiting for the Trutrack.

I'm going to miss your pancake breakfast, but I am hoping the RV-10 will be flying in time for your annual UFO.

John, if you decide to go with TruTrak auto pilot, I have a roll servo bracket, that goes in the left wing, it fits the RV7-9-10 aircraft. John, Ohio
GRT AP works. Being improved ....

I just finished an RV7 with a single wide screen GRT Sport. I want to install a 2 axis AP and have always liked the TruTrak products and customer support. I was going to wait for the new Gemini series but it looks like that might be a while so I was considering going with the GRT AP. Any feedback would be appreciated.

I have the GRT AP servos installed in the RV6.
(Trutrack in the 6A project)

The GRT AP is being driven by a dual Sport (SX) setup.
Currently, I am driving it only with the left (PRD default) display although with a switch I can drive it with the right (MFD default) display.

The units seem to work as advertised. I say "seem" because there are lots of features that I have not tested yet. Those that I have used work as stated.

The biggest issue initially was dialing in the "user experience". For example, when you tell an autopilot to "climb", the rate at which it starts the pitch up is a subtle matter that the designer evolves to. I suspect there was some of this at TT and it has been at GRT. Now the pitch engagement (up or down ) is **REALLY** smooth.

Since it is integrated into the EFIS experience, there are lots of things that it can do with the correct pushing of buttons. I am easing into it so that I am comfortable that a) it does all the basics that I want and b) that **I** understand how it works. So far I think all of the inflight "errors" were pilot induced. :) <Need to read the manual a bit more me thinks! :) >

The servos physically mount the same way as the TT's.

Given the experience of Younkin and company, along the time the have been in RV's, one must assume that the TT is WAY AHEAD on being dialed in but I must say that Greg and crew are getting the GRT's dialed in as well (at least for the RV6. :) )
