My AAA insurance just notified me that it will make partial refund of the premium because people has stopped driving due to the stay-at-home order.
I like the idea, however I am also thinking of the three airports that have been hit hard by storms in the recent past. That had to hit the insurers hard.

Auto rating is in large part based on both individual risk factors and miles driven. The more you’re on the road, the more risk you’re exposed to.

With flying there’s currency and proficiency to consider. I’m at my best when I fly regularly. Take a few weeks off and I am not as good for the first couple of flights back. I was flying more 4 weeks ago than today and I’m don’t feel as sharp right now as I did then.

I’m sure the risk and proficiency curves start to diverge again at some point, but most of us don’t fly enough to worry about that I suspect.
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The insurers did not do it on their own, at least here in California.

The insurance commissioner ordered them to do it.
Aviation Insurance

I don?t think aviation insurance is going to go down anytime soon due to several high profile accidents (ie helicopter crashes), tornados over airports, and high dollar settlement cases (jury awards millions). One would think that those things shouldn?t impact us experimental folks but it does, at least for now. My buddy who is an airline pilot saw his 182 premium go up 200.00 year over year. My Aerostar premium stayed the same because it?s liability only but I?m expecting the RV-9 insurance to go up even though it has a safer record than the other models lately.

My aircraft insurance went up. The said it was because of all the fires we have had on the west coast. ?????????????
I haven't slowed down on my flying hours so I don't see why they would do that. Aviation is an essential business here.

So auto insures did that because they knew legislation would be coming. They would rather give back a little than give back what the law makers would mandate. The public was starting to gripe.
There will never be a public outcry to support GA - As a good friend once told me, and hit helps me keep life in perspective: "No One is ever going to feel sorry for someone who owns their own airplane."
"No One is ever going to feel sorry for someone who owns their own airplane."

This is absolutely true. At the risk of drifting off topic I'll share a funny - my wife was wanting a new suburban and I was resisting the idea (her current one was only 4 years old with about 60,000 miles) and of course she wanted a NEW one with all the bells and whistles. I told her we simply couldn't afford that, to which she replied with a great big smile "Oh honey, that's where you are wrong! We have plenty of money! We have an airplane!"

She got her suburban...
I haven't slowed down on my flying hours so I don't see why they would do that. Aviation is an essential business here.


Same here. That's the thing that keeps me sane in all of this. Also provides plenty of social distancing ... .
