
Well Known Member
Is anyone running auto fuel in their O-360-A1A? On the Superior Engine website, they say the XP-360 is approved for 91 octane auto gas. Is there any difference between the XP and a certified Lycoming? I mean, besides all of the warranty and liability stuff??? Both are 180 HP with 8.5:1 pistons.

Just curious...
All of the parts used in an XP-O-360 are allowed to be used and are approved, by the FAA, as replacement parts for a certified O-360-A1A.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
But that is not the real question

mahlon_r said:
All of the parts used in an XP-O-360 are allowed to be used and are approved, by the FAA, as replacement parts for a certified O-360-A1A.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
mahlon_r is correct up to a point. But, there are differences between the Superior and the Lycoming. I won't go into it all here because Superior has a pretty informative website. In addition, Superior sets up the fuel system a little differently to cope with auto gas. I think you have to look at the argument in reverse. If a Superior valve guide, for instance, is OK to put in a Lycoming, does that mean it is no better or that it is at least as good? Superior is willing to let you run their engine from hour 1 on no-lead gas. What would happen to Lycoming valves if you did that?
mogas/ 100ll mix on 3,000

this is an interesting
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mogas/ 100ll mix on 3,000+ hr lyc

this is an interesting subject. i recieved some info from an 'old timer' years ago and this is what i have been having good luck with. new 0-360a1a,3,000+ hobbs hrs, 75+ comps,qt/10 hrs, wobble test- weak #3,strong others, 30 hr oil changes[filter at 60], regular oil analysis, cut open oil filters, cruize power 60-65% leaned to rough then 1 1/2 turns in on carburated[ cht under 380]. i have been running marvel in the fuel and oil [1/2 qt to oil change] . for fuel i mix 1 part avgas/ 5 parts reg gas in cruize tank [left side] and 50/50 mix in right side. with the increase in alcohol i have increased the 50/50 mix to more avgas lately. i am planning on running this engine for about another year then selling it. another new engine will be an lycoming thunderbolt as before with roller lifters. my 3,000 hrs reduces down 20% to get tach or overhaul time. that puts me at 2,500 hrs now. a bore scope of the cylinder showed little wear. everyone has different ideas and results. i wish everyone tbo and safe flying. see you at sun n fun. the wx has been great in florida. i have one visitor planned thru the hospitality info. anyone get in touch and see you here.
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