
Well Known Member
OK, I did my research and decided to run auto fuel in the -4 and my Bonanza. The problem is that I've been to a dozen fuel stations in the Monterey, CA area and they all test positive for alcohol. None of the fields here sell Mogas. Can anyone offer advice? I do have the brown gaskets in the fuel caps and firesleeve on the fuel lines. How bad would the alcohol fuel be?
My Advice

Leave California.

CA has been awash in boutique fuels and oxygenates for decades. You can't buy gas that isn't contaminated with something, the current darling being ethanol. (Used to be MTBE, which you could run.) I'm sure you'd bust the STC on the Banana using CA mogas; do what you want with the -4, but I wouldn't consider it unless you KNEW all the soft materials in the fuel system were alcohol-proof.

Idaho has clean mogas for now, but the fools are meeting in the statehouse.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
Gotta love the Granola Crunchers

I guess I'll keep running 100LL for now, leaning when I taxi and cleaning plugs all the time. I'm stuck in Ca for one more year until Uncle Sam lets me leave. Then, it's off to Tennessee "where Women are Men and sheep are nervous" Hopefully they'll have Mogas :D
I think I'm at the point

Of as long as the 10% ethanol won't attack the proseal that I am going to run it in the 7a.

The rep from Precision, who used to make the carbs was at our EAA mtg. last week & said the delrin needle valve was the only part in the carb that was affected by ethanol and that it would swell.

Your STC won't allow you to use ANY ethanol, so mixing is not an option with the Bonanza.
% alcohol is the important factor

Just my opinion so take it for what you paid for it.

It is the amount of alcohol in your mixture that is going to be the important issue to consider. 10% ethanol is not going to be a problem. I would even say 20% would be ok. I would not run E85 until you have changed out rubber throughout the system though.

My .02 but you must do what you feel is right.
Does it matter if it's fuel injected?

Since my engine is fuel injected, do I still have to worry about internal rubber components as you do with a carb?

The AFP system for sure is compatible with 100% ethanol.

For Bendix system I don't know, nor do I know about the internal components of the mechanical fuel pump as I have two electric pumps.

Its simply a case of finding out what the internal components are made of.

Mogas in Monterey?

OK, I did my research and decided to run auto fuel in the -4 and my Bonanza. The problem is that I've been to a dozen fuel stations in the Monterey, CA area and they all test positive for alcohol. None of the fields here sell Mogas. Can anyone offer advice? I do have the brown gaskets in the fuel caps and firesleeve on the fuel lines. How bad would the alcohol fuel be?

OK, I'll be the smartass. If you can afford to live in Monterey, what the heck are you doing messing around with mogas in your airplane? Man, that's got to be the most beautiful spot on God's green earth -- and when I bugged out back in the 70's a dumpy tract house in Sand City was a quarter-mill! You must have to be an oil shiek to live there these days. Can you tell I'm jealous?
Military housing is my guess from his post. Other expenses are inflated there but nothing like the housing. If you have somewhere to sleep the rest can be afforded without too much agony.
MOGAS in Monterey

The only way I can afford to live here is by Uncle Sam providing me with a house to live in (actually more like a trailer home without wheels). My main reason for running Mogas is that it is so much easier on the plugs, doesn't degrade the oil as quickly, etc.

As for Monterey, it's pretty, but definitely not worth the cost of buying a home here.