
Was wondering if anyone had started their build in Australia? Would like to come and check it out if possible.

Proud owner of the RV-10 and want to look at something aerobatic.
I will reach out to them and see what they are working on. I hadn't heard anything so will see :)

Thanks. Anyone else know of any?
Was wondering if anyone had started their build in Australia? Would like to come and check it out if possible.

Proud owner of the RV-10 and want to look at something aerobatic.

Hi There

Greg Priest in Perth WA here. My building partner Dave Rokich and I are building the RV14A.

Have wings ailerons flaps fuel tank under construction and have completed the aft fuse Empennage kit.

Our Forward fuse kit arrives late Jan or first week in Feb. We have been working 70 hours per weeks for approx 8 months on our project and are rapidly progressing.

You are welcome to visit and inspect but we are in Perth WA. Costly plane ticket from Melbourne to Perth and return however thats what we do. If you need any assistance or help in regards to the RV14A I'm happy to help.

There is only one other person that I know of in WA building a RV14A but I don't think that he has progressed very far on his wing kit in 3 years.

My mobile number is 0407 983 798 (remember our 3 hrs time difference)
Greg Priest
RV14A S/N 140126
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Aussie RV14

I have just stared my RV14 in Forbes NSW. I have just finished the vertical stabiliser and have a long road ahead.
I have heard that there is a fairly advanced 14 being built at Narromine and I hope to get a look at it when I track down the owner.
This is my first build so I imagine you might be hearing from me from time to time.
The SAAA ARE NOT building one at Narromine, although it seems plenty of mistruths surround this build. An ex-employee and his father are building it for a third party. I was even lied (deceived) to about who it was being built for, claiming it was a Dad/Son project, turns out not quite true.:mad::mad::mad:

Join the dots if you will. :mad:

There is also one being built at YRED.

Why do you ask Dan?
Aus RV14


Ian Pearce in Adelaide, South Australia. Have RV14 wings completed and currently working on the Empennage, with VS, rudder & HS completed.

Contact on 0439 981781 if interested in having a look.

Ian Pearce
South Australia
RV14 Wings complete
Working on Empennage
Building serial No 149. Located at Redcliffe (YRED) Queensland. Wing kit 95% complete, Empennage 100% complete. Picking up Fuselage, engine and Prop next week from shipping company. Visitors welcome.

Alan & Suzanne Carlisle
0403 323 973
Wow. I had no idea that there was already that many being built here. Will definitely reach out to a few of you to get your thoughts.

Dave: Keen to build myself an aerobatic 10. That's essentially what I see the 14 as. Obviously only two seater but would make an awesome cruising aircraft with a little added fun. :)

Would be great to keep this post going with any new builds and progress on current ones from around Australia!
RV-14 Starter

Building serial No 149. Located at Redcliffe (YRED) Queensland. Wing kit 95% complete, Empennage 100% complete. Picking up Fuselage, engine and Prop next week from shipping company. Visitors welcome.

Alan & Suzanne Carlisle
0403 323 973

G'day Alan. Tony mentioned you may be receiving your engine soon. I'll give you buzz some day soon to see if I can come and pay you a visit.

DCPearco - I think you'll find more and more new starters as the months go by. Me included hopefully soon. :D

Regards, Jase.

Well, procrastinated for awhile and have now ordered tail and fuse so hopefully can get started on a Father & Son project shortly.
Build will be in Wee Waa NSW.

Looking forward to getting started and looking more forward to getting finished. Tedsnumberoneson it looks like 140241 looking at the shipping slip.
The emp is coming by air so it will do its first 13 hr flight without refueling so should have it in the shed by end of next week!

I thought that the SAAA were building one, but I could be wrong here.

Hi there....Greg Priest & Dave Rockich here in Perth WA.
We are building a RV14A.....as at Nov 2015 wings now completed,aft fuselage and Empennage completed, forward fuselage kit 90% complete, engine prop and finishing kit ordered expecting delivery by sea freight early December.
We also have a web page and are happy to assist prospective builders here in Australia.

Greg Priest
0407 983 798 (Remember the 3 hrs negative time difference in WA)