Evan's Head

Is this a possibility. Was there last year November, small museum and perhaps a long walk to town, we drove so not sure how far.
Thanks for the link. Wordering how many of them need ASIC?


If you don't have one of the Aussie pilot apps that give you access to the AIP, you can find that information online with Airservices Australia.

Go to:

Agree to the terms then on the following page go to En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA). There you'll find a list of licensed aerodromes.

If you see the following text near the top of the FAC page for an airfield it means you need as ASIC:

This AD is a Security Controlled Airport.
Thanks for the link. Wordering how many of them need ASIC?

"Need," is a curious thing.

Pretty much every airport that has, at some point in the past, had an airline service (even the deserted untowered regionals in the middle of nowhere) say "THIS IS A SECURITY CONTROLLED AD" in the facilities directory (ERSA).

Having said that, I've only had to show my ASIC at three of them in ten years:

Canberra's GA ramp has a locked gate which can only be opened by airport staff, who want to see your ASIC before they let you in,

Mildura has a local government worker who drives around looking for people without ASICs about 20 minutes before the QantasLink, Virgin, and REX flights arrive; and

Port Macquarie has a local government worker who magically materializes while you're pulling up your tiedown stakes before you leave in the morning.

Interestingly, the local government workers almost certainly aren't enabled by legislation to demand to see an ASIC, so you could technically tell them to go and pound sand. Easier to smile politely until they go away, though.

Most "security controlled" airports here are unattended, with nobody caring if you have an ASIC or not. But occasionally there's a tin-Hitler at a tiny airport miles from anywhere who thinks he's doing the world a service by being officious about it, in the way that only Australians can.

It's full-on security theatre.

- mark
Yeah how some of the airports are still "security controlled" beats me. They could literally be swallowed up in a giant sinkhole and almost no one would notice or care!