
Well Known Member
Looks like we have the $$$$ together to buy and fund hangars for a new airport in the surrounding Austin, Texas Metro area.

Survey: Do we have any takers for hangars?

I would also like to afford the EAA Chapter 187 a FREE spot (hangar) for meetings and training purposes.

Interested parties please email me direct at: lifeofreiley AT

Maybe we can put this deal together... :) I guess we'll see... ;)

I just read the great news on the AOPA e-mail, hope that this happens. With highway 130 being built, the old Birds nest airport could be an alternative to us South Austin folks. That is where I saw my very first Cardinal, it was a brand new one just down from Cessna in 75. They should keep the old entrance road for grins. That way only GA folks that have a 4x4 can fly out of it.
Not actually the primary location, it has issues... Good shot at trying to figure it out though... This is a new project, 3000-4000 ft paved runway.
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Urban Legend

This central texas airport project has been in the works ever since the city of austin illegally closed mueller, they lost a suit brought by the NTSB and are forced to replace the services lost by the orig city airport.

The problem is every podunk town (Taylor, Hutto) has been successful at nixing any plans for a new airport development... even worse our champion of the poor representative Dawna Dukes wrote a bill that passed exempting travis county from consideration, it it wasnt for that the city would have been forced to reopen mueller. She is also the one who helped sue the city for environmental racism beacuse we unfairly exposed the people who bought cheap houses near the airport to excess noise. The solution? Move them from their $30K homes next to the airport fences into nice neighborhoods at taxpayers expense.
Yes texas politics suck.