
Well Known Member
Hopefully making a trip to Austin next weekend to visit family and am looking for an airport recommendation. Lago Vista or lakeway I believe are closest to their house, but they don't seem to have much as far as facilities (most importantly hanger space if t-storms come). Georgetown or Taylor are further away but appear to have better services. I'm not interested in paying AUS $7/gal. What are your experiences with Austin area airports.
I would chose the Georgetown airport.
Very good facilities and more choices.
You could always stop by Llano and fill up. They typically have cheap fuel and good bbq.
I would say GTU, but of course I am biased. You never know, if you send Tanya a PM, she might even be able to find you a free hangar for the weekend.;)
So Georgetown is the consensus best choice, I'm sending Tanya a PM about the hanger. if that falls through, what are the recommendations for FBOs it looks like aero-centex or Georgetown Jet. aero-centex is $0.20 cheaper on gas, anyone know what either charge for a hanger or tie down?