
I am currently in the Maricopa area south of Pheonix and would be interested in meeting with any RV 12 owners / builders. I am an Ausralian with RV 12 about 20% built.

If you plan a visit to Prescott, let us know. No RV12 but you can take a tour in the RV9A if you would like. cell 928 273 933one Nick
I'm in Glendale, AZ. I'd be happy to talk with you Monday through Thursday next week, but I'm off on vacation after that.

I used to fly for Flying Cacti. They have a beautiful RV-12 SLSA that's only a year old and offer dual instruction in it. They also rent it out. They operate out of Glendale in the west valley near Phoenix.

Perhaps this is a good reason for a RV12 get together this monday Nov 28 somewhere for breakfast/lunch that Dunx can get to?

Thanks all re replies, appreciate the feedback. Mon 28th will not suit as heading north for a few days
Perhaps this is a good reason for a RV12 get together this monday Nov 28 somewhere for breakfast/lunch that Dunx can get to?

Would love to meet the -12er's in the area for breakfast.....would have had my -12 down by Decembet 15th, but my wife fell playing her first pickle ball game of the season (snowbird for us)... and I am stuck with nurse maid duties dealing with her broken hip...not complaining!!! Will be later part of Jan now for -12.
Bummer! I took a dive several months ago and dodged the dreaded hip break fortunately. --- There is at least one advantage to having a protective layer of adipose tissue. We engineers refer to it as a lossy substance that efficiently dissipates energy!
If you are still in the area on Saturday, 12/3, try to fetch a ride to Coolidge, P08. This is traditionally a well-attended breakfast fly-in with lots of homebuilts showing up. I know of at least 2 RV-12 (mine included) that will be there, but it's usually more around 4-5 of them. Heck, these things are everywhere now :)
I'll be coming up from the Tucson area, otherwise you could come along with me.
If you are still in the area on Saturday, 12/3, try to fetch a ride to Coolidge, P08. This is traditionally a well-attended breakfast fly-in with lots of homebuilts showing up. I know of at least 2 RV-12 (mine included) that will be there, but it's usually more around 4-5 of them. Heck, these things are everywhere now :)
I'll be coming up from the Tucson area, otherwise you could come along with me.

What is the time of arrival.....for this shindig.. I'll be there. Edit: start around 8am @ red top hangar. Short drive for me from Casa Grande��
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