
Well Known Member
It is a nice cool evening in Minne, so I convinced the better half to go up for an aerial view of the sunset and some views of the State Fair going on a block from our home.....

We wandered down the Mississippi to Hastings and got some shots upriver, I'm a sucker for the Golden Hour from the air.....




We were a bit too early to get the backlighted city shot I wanted, but we were close....


THE Great Minnesota Get Together! (lots of spandex and tattoos)

Last minute of light - nice close to the weekend....... Guys - Summer is almost over in the Hinterlands......
Excellent pictures. I was just up in the motherland last week visiting Dad on the North Shore. Dad lives on the lake at Tettegouche. I got some great golden hour pictures but will not post them as I took them from the ground therefore not RV relevant.
I miss the fair. Miss the 5 cent all you can drink milk, the Peter's weiners booth, and machinery hill.

Great photos as always!

Here's one from yesterday evening here in north Louisiana.
It's a photo of a 9A in phase one over Farmerville.

Always great to see a picture of the Minnesota State Fair - reminds me of the time I landed on the (empty) midway in a J-3 and taxied through the streets to the Hippodrome for a scouting display - looks like both of them are still there 35 years later....
Pete, great pictures as usual!

We had what was the reddest sunset I've ever seen last night here (Monday), bummer I wasn't up flying! Also very red sunrise here today. Maybe the Martians are sprinkling Mars dust on us in a covert attempt to take over.:eek: