
Well Known Member
I have a Sigtronics 200S, Dynon D180 with HS34, and a Garmin 496.

I've attempted to shunt the Dynon audio alerts and 496 music / audio alerts into the intercom via the music input channel.

2 questions:

- The Dynon audio alert volume is fine (if unadjustable), but is only on one channel (if I were to send it to both input channels, I would lose Stereo for music). Any way I can split this wire to both L & R channels without it creating a path that blends the channels?
- The 496 audio is WAY too loud! Tried switching between "Line Out" and "Headphones" - bizarrely, Line Out seems much louder and inaudible under all circumstances; "Headphones" is too loud on all but the lowest volume settings

Looking for solutions to get this all to play together nicely...



I don't have a 200S, so my thoughts may be of little value. But I looked at the Sig 200S install guide, and am staying at a Holiday Inn Express tonight :) here goes:

I have a D100/AP-74 and a 396 fed to a GMA-340 audio panel. I know yours is not an audio panel, but one lesson-learned may help. When we were hooking things up, we took the Dynon alerts to an unswitched input, and the 396 XM radio to a music input on the 340. What I was told by my avionics guy is that music sources to a non-music input require amplification. Since your second Sig input is a music input, perhaps the reverse (or something like it) is at work here. Maybe hooking the Dynon source to the same (music) input on the Sig is driving the GPS audio way up. Have you tested the GPS audio without the Dynon audio attached?

You probably already know that you can put a 10K ohm variable resistor in the Dynon audio line. Maybe doing this will allow you to turn the Dynon audio down, and the Dynon and 496 audio will like each other better. This may be uneducated wishful thinking on my part though!

Another thought would be to look at one of Vern Little's Vx Aviation gadgets here: Maybe look at the AMX-2A or AMX-1A. Vern would know best which one might help.

You've probably seen this, but just in case, I saw this site (below) with install guides for all kinds of Sig units...scroll down for the 200S stuff...includes the gouge for combinations with several radios.

I'm sure you're wiser on this stuff than I am, but still hope this gives you a lead or two...or at least eliminates bogies on your way to a real solution!!

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I had a similiar problem with my dynon audio input. I tried resistors etc to start and got it to work but it wasn't ideal. Then I brought one of Vern's AMX-2A and it was a simple and esay solution that has worked well.

Thanks for the responses guys.

Yes, I have tried the devices separately. Dynon = "just right," 496 = "way too loud." I really want the alerts switched, as I don't want some silly altitude alert on final blotting out an important radio call.

I originally had them both hooked up through variable resistors, but wasn't getting the results I expected. Guess I'll try the Vx Aviation toy and see if that clears it up. I had looked at that, but it didn't seem clear to me whether it would "solve" my problem trying to feed a mono source (EFIS) into a stereo source without inadvertently blending the channels (I might want to listen to XM radio some day).
After some emails with Vern of Vx-Aviation (thanks, Vern!) I have put together a somewhat generic diagram for cobbling together various inputs into a stereo intercom.

See this page for details.