
Be honest now. I know we all want all the bells and whistles we can get, but if a straight audio panel only has headphone outputs, and a speaker inclusion costs $XX more, how many of you really NEED a speaker output? So far as I know most of us fly with headphones only. It complexes up the design and it costs more money, which is passed on to you in the sales price.

How useful is a speaker output in today's world? I'll be honest with you. The last time I checked to see if my old audio panel's speaker output worked was 1989 during the audio panel installation. I have absolutely no idea if it works today.

Comments appreciated (audio panel in design is intended to sell for less than $300, maybe $350 or more with speaker option).

I can think of zero reasons to have a speaker. I have a PMA5000EX audio panel and it works great. I have separate music inputs so the passenger can listen to my music or their own.
Be honest now. I know we all want all the bells and whistles we can get, but if a straight audio panel only has headphone outputs, and a speaker inclusion costs $XX more, how many of you really NEED a speaker output? So far as I know most of us fly with headphones only. It complexes up the design and it costs more money, which is passed on to you in the sales price.

How useful is a speaker output in today's world? I'll be honest with you. The last time I checked to see if my old audio panel's speaker output worked was 1989 during the audio panel installation. I have absolutely no idea if it works today.

Comments appreciated (audio panel in design is intended to sell for less than $300, maybe $350 or more with speaker option).


Here’s a link or two to my open source Audio Mixer/Audio Panel. Hope it helps.


Here?s a link or two to my open source Audio Mixer/Audio Panel.

Well, since I put all my instruction manuals and schematics (as well as PC board layout and troubleshooting) on line with every product, I guess I'm sort of open-source as well.

HOWEVER, I do sell a full parts kit for those who don't want to go through the process of all that work laying PC boards out, drawing schematics, building up chassis/metalwork and the like.

That may or may not meet your definition of open-source, but I think it is sufficiently close.

Jim (Just call me Heathkit for Airplanes!!)
I have occasionally used the speaker while getting the weather just after start up. I don't really find it necessary. I guess I just do it cause its there. I'm sure I wouldn't miss it.
I have a small "truckers" speaker and sometimes use it to listen to ATIS before startup. The only other time I use it is when doing a periodic test of my ELT.
I have a small "truckers" speaker and sometimes use it to listen to ATIS before startup. The only other time I use it is when doing a periodic test of my ELT.

I've done this with other planes. It was helpful when renting. Kinda sucked to pay for listening to ATIS. Then I got a handheld.
I've done this with other planes. It was helpful when renting. Kinda sucked to pay for listening to ATIS.

??? I have never seen a rental charged by when the electricity was on. Usually Hobbs (oil pressure activated), sometimes tach hours.
For the record, I?m in the ?no speaker, don?t miss it? camp.
No Idea why...

No idea why but I was going to put a speaker in just to listen to the ATIS while on the ground. Also, I tent to listen to the engine for a few minutes after startup just to see if I hear anything funny. So during that time I don't wear a headset. Non of this is necessary but since I am building a plane I might as well build it the way I like it. I could however live without it.
??? I have never seen a rental charged by when the electricity was on. Usually Hobbs (oil pressure activated), sometimes tach hours.
For the record, I?m in the ?no speaker, don?t miss it? camp.

Yeah, sorry, I can see my wording being confusing. When I first started, we would start the plane, taxi to run-up area to get the ATIS and call for clearance (class C), so engine was running. Later I started using the cabin speaker for ATIS/Clearance before engine start. Now, I have no speaker, and don't really feel like I need it. Handheld does well. Or just put the headset on.
Thanks, gang. There goes another $75 in parts costs because I don't have to have a switch that can go spdt. A pushbutton "on-off" headphones will do just fine.

Back to the test bench ... But the best engineer story I've heard in a while ...

Doctor, lawyer, engineer were asked if they had their choice between a girlfriend and a wife, which one?

The lawyer said girlfriend ... a little more spicy, a little more unexpected...

The doctor said wife ... a little more stable, a little more reliable...

The engineer said both. When I'm missing the wife will think I'm with the girlfriend, the girlfriend will think I'm with the wife and I can get back to the lab and get some useful work done.

