
Well Known Member
I know this has been asked , but the tread I found is older. What is the best location for the pilot and passenger audio jacks on a RV8?

I am looking for Input from those who like and do not like their location. Also any hints on how to run the wires to them would help.

I know this has been asked , but the tread I found is older. What is the best location for the pilot and passenger audio jacks on a RV8?

I am looking for Input from those who like and do not like their location. Also any hints on how to run the wires to them would help.


When I built my RV-4 I put the audio jacks just abeam or slightly behind me. The RV-8 I purchased has the front seat audio jacks in front and below the throttles and in the way. I don't like it. I like the wires coming from behind me.
audio plugs

On my 8 the front ones are on the left gear tower and the rear ones just outside the rear seat back on the left side. about where the rear seat passengers elbo whould be as low as possible.
Audio plugs

In my 8, the audio plugs are mounted on the right side F-805 bulkhead for the front seat and the F-806 bulkhead for the rear seat. Both are near the top of their bulkheads. The rear seat PTT switch is just below his/hers audio jacks. The wires run from the instrument panel down under the switch/C.B. panel up between the F-804 bulkheads then under the front seat armrest into the bay formed by the F-805/F-806 bulkheads where the jacks are located. I have been happy with this location.

Just like the post below this one (by akarmy) I didn't have any pictures handy
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I put them on the right side front and rear of the seat brace.

Rv8 wiring by Andy Karmy, on Flickr

Rv8 wiring by Andy Karmy, on Flickr

They work fine in this location. I picked the right side so you don't have to step across the cords when entering from the left. Only downside is most headsets have the cord coming off the left cup. :( Oh well.
audio jack location

I put them on the left side both front and back. If you put them on the right the cord will be laying on your lap the entire time because most headsets have the cord on the left earphone. My cords tuck nicely out of the way along the left side of the seat front and back

In my opinion the location should be driven by safety. Place them where, if you need to make an emergency egress, you can take off the headset and the cords will be out of the way for your egress. Audio plugs aren't something that need to be handy in flight.
Right side

If you look at the picture that Andy Karmy put up. We put ours in much the same place for the rear jacks, then put the front ones at the front of the forward arm rest you also see in his picture. This keep the Jacks in front of you so you can see them while in flight and not have to turn your head much to see them or reach behind you to manipulate them. You also most often exit from the left side, so when you want to get out you can just put the head set or helmet over the right hand rail of the canopy guide. We just made covers to go over the bottom of the Jacks and the wiring on them. We did put the PTT on the left side in the back seat, just in case the driver was in the back with his right hand on the stick. In the front we put one PTT over on the throttle panel as a back-up to the primary on the stick just in case it was ever needed for the number one seat. The wiring is easy to run down and under the arm rests from those two spots.. Just what we did, it's your call.. R.E.A. III #80888