Alex Edwards

Active Member
Hi there,

I fired up the panel for the first time on the weekend and it looks great but the sound from the audio inputs is soft and crackly. I remember reading a very good discussion about adding an extra wire to improve the audio quality of the GTR 200 with the standard RV-12 wiring harness. I cant find that thread despite searching for it on here. Does anyone remember it too and have a link?

Hi there,

I fired up the panel for the first time on the weekend and it looks great but the sound from the audio inputs is soft and crackly. I remember reading a very good discussion about adding an extra wire to improve the audio quality of the GTR 200 with the standard RV-12 wiring harness. I cant find that thread despite searching for it on here. Does anyone remember it too and have a link?


Hello Alex,

We suspect you are referring to this posting.

Let us know if we can help further.


Yes that's the one. Being buried in a discussion on cross country flight meant that I didn't find it.

Thanks for the fast response.
