
Well Known Member
I just got a new Gopro 5 and had it mounted in my plane, hooked into the Com radio with an adaptor cable.

I set the audio input on the Gopro 5 camera to "Line", figuring that the input from the Com radio was more or less powered.

When I played the video back later on an HDTV with the Micro HDMI cable, the audio was very weak.

Can anyone tell me which of the inputs works to get good audio?

Standard +
Non Powered
Non Powered +
Line in (didn't seem to work)
Go pro audio

Courious about what mic adapter you use...
My wife bought me a go pro hero black 400 bucks plus and its,such a pain to use it sits in the camera bag while the go pro 2 gets all the action..i just plug the patch cable jack into it and thats it..no adapter needed...

Well the Mic adaptor is the big bulky $50 GoPro unit.
I had been using a Hero 2 also, and had the cable (I think I got it from Sporty's) to plug between the A/C headset and the camera with the stereo tip that plugged into the Hero 2 directly. It worked great.

But when I plugged that cable into the $50 GoPro adaptor, and had the camera menu selected to "Line In", I got muffled/low audio.

I bought the Hero 5, thinking that instead of blindly reaching behind me to turn the Hero 2 on, I'd work the Hero 5 from my Iphone. And the Hero 5 "Sleeps" better, for better battery life I was hoping.

I got different answers from different sources on what audio input I need to select on the camera. I just hadn't had time to try them all in the plane.

One thing I will say is, that it's impossible to get GoPro tech support. I give up. "Chat" is never available, and you will age significantly waiting on their phone support, never been able to win that time battle. Worst customer support I've ever been a part of. FAQ's on their website didn't cover it either..

I will try the other audio settings and see if I can figure it out on my own. But if I can't get the audio to feed in, the camera is useless as far as I'm concerned, for A/C use.

Here's the answers I got from places that supply cables/adaptors like I bought:

"If you are referring to the Audio Input settings, I believe the GoPro5 Audio Adapter runs in Standard setting mode . If that doesn't work correctly you can try the + mode, I remember other customers saying it didn't seem to matter what selection they used. If you need further assistance the adapter itself that connects to the camera is produced by GoPro and you can ask them for further assistance as they are the experts on that product.

I hope this helps, if you have any issues with the cable connection to the aircraft that is the part we produce in house and we can assist on that item fully. Thanks for being a customer!

Customer Service

"Hi, Andy.
You want to use line in.
Patrick (NFlightCAM)"

Thank you for contacting Aircraft Spruce.
You recently wrote:
What audio input do I select on the GoPro 5 menu, for use with this adaptor and plugged into the A/C Com radio with a headset adaptor cable?
Standard +
Non powered
Non powered +
Line in (didnt seem to work)
To which our reply is:

I unfortunately have no clue which one to use. I went ahead and shot off an email to the manufacturer to see what their thoughts on the matter are. Once I have a response, I'll get back to you. In the meantime, I recommend trying each option and see what works. Typically trial and error will do the trick with these types of issues. Thanks!
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. We look forward to the next opportunity to serve you.
Best Regards,
August Eichman | Avionics Sales Technician
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co."
Hey Andy,

I'll preface this by saying I don't have a Hero 5 but I have messed quite a bit with the Hero 3 audio input.

I'd try Non-powered +.

In this setting, the camera doesn't supply any bias voltage (which is only used with an external mic that requires it but in this case isn't necessary). The '+' indicates a 20dB gain boost which should get the level up to something more usable.

If that's too much level (ie distortion), then try the regular non-powered setting.

Hope that helps.