Clive J

I got the opportunity to try out this gadget, laser sight and control head that coverts your situation to an audible message of your height.
I had it on loan from a friend so did a temporary install.
Only took me a couple of hours.
Fitted it in the wing root void and on the fairing but permanent install would need to be inside so flush for me.

More on the website

My first attempt with YouTube and no cable to connect from the intercom so used a speaker, sound not great. We have a small rough runway in UK, I think unit would come into it's own on a big wide hard runway. For those that fly at night imagine it counting down for you...
Must find somewhere to store my still images.
Regards, Clive
I have been trying this system out with a lot of input from Enginebridge who seem to never sleep judging from the numerous responses I got from them in the middle of their night time.

The latest version has a WiFi interface for updates and adjustments which works really well, and the system seems stable and accurate. Initially I received occasional spurious alerts, but the latest version has resolved that.

I think as a training aid it could be very useful, and I used it when I flew in to a RV event here in Australia at the old WW2 base at Temora. My local runway is narrow, the one at Temora is about three or more times the width, the system really helped with my confidence around the perspective issues (not wanting to bounce the length of the runway in front of a 1000 people) 🙂.

Flying along the runway while the system announces "" as you touch is pretty cool.

So I like it, and FWIW I have no connection to or interest in Enginebridge